In the Travel section of the UK's Guardian newspaper there's a report on Dubai - but not one the people who brought Leo Hickman, the writer, here will thank him for. He says he was a guest of Burj Al Arab.
There's the usual beautiful photograph of the hotel...but it's under the headline "Sun, sand and slavery."
About half the report talks about Dubailand, the offshore developments and the hotel, the rest is on his visit to our largest labour camp and how the labourers live, plus a condemnation of tourism operators generally.
The story is here.
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1 week ago
Please, it puts fhoto of Madeleine in your Bloggue
Missing Madeleine!
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Impartial reporting, good info too. Except the Palm D is perhaps the largest of the three. Hope this helps the poor labours.
Toward the end of the article, which seemed to be a critique of tourism more than anything else, he indicated that the rich tourist benefits at the expense of everyone else. But he's got that wrong. The tourists who are forced to pay Dhs 1000 per night and up for hotel rooms are being victimized, as well as the low paid service and other workers. The hoteliers, developers, agents, etc. are the real winners in a financial sense.
He represent our voice the Emiratis
If it's *voluntary* exchange, nobody is being "victimized".
The workers come here voluntarily, as do the tourists.
being sucked into the neoliberal scourge is rarely voluntary, unleass you got money to enjoy the ride. the global production of wealth and poverty transcends individual choices....
Tourism on the whole is highly destructive on so many counts. It is a part of the reality we live in, but to assume that it is a panacea for development is being blind and is not sustainable.
There's a scene in "Planet of the Apes" where Charlton Heston "discovers" New York city, deserted and half-buried in the sand, with just the tips of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State building showing - I can't help but imagining Dubai in a similar fate....
Racism goes both ways doesn't it, as jain pain's crass stupidity proves. Does the kid's colour make any difference to the horrors that she must be going through?
“There's a scene in "Planet of the Apes" where Charlton Heston "discovers" New York city, deserted and half-buried in the sand, with just the tips of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State building showing - I can't help but imagining Dubai in a similar fate....”
Unless you meant that in humor, I just have to say – Wow talk about delusions from the far left. That’s just plain negative IB, surely you’ve got no strong facts to support that sentiment besides the absolute desperation in your head.
Please try and be a bit more positive and balanced. Yes, ofcourse there’s much to improve, improvise and work on - but think your extreme comment is totally uncalled for.
Ibn Battuta
You said it mate! A very scary situation specially for the native population. Unless they don't much about the future while enjoying the present bounties.
Rosh, the comment was meant in jest, but it reflects a serious question that none of the Dubai visionaries seem to be asking - how much of what they are building is really sustainable? what sort of future are they actually creating? and can the fragile desert environment keep up with the growth???
"how much of what they are building is really sustainable? what sort of future are they actually creating?"
I am surprised that UAE's future, sustainability "worries" you more than any other ME nation? Does it worry you more compared to sustainability and future of Egypt or KSA or Libya or Yemen or Syria?
Seriously - you've got to be kidding right?
I admit, it's a new path - shouldn't we be confident and supportive (surely not blind support)- there is much positive going on, and yup there is much more to improve/improvise on. It shall happen. By all means have constructive criticism for a better tomorrow, but please have faith in it's progress - there's hell of a difference.
jane pain, there you go proving your racism and bigotry once again.
The world doesn't need people like you.
seabee, let me ask YOU 1 thing: y should u care for some lost english girl? is it because she is white? what makes her so special,eh? what makes her stand out from the other young kids who are lost every year,eh? can u provide an answer? let's hear it.
jane, yes I did.
That's all. I can't be bothered to waste any more time on you.
seabee, then i win!! so easy!
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