In a significant decision, the UAE government has revoked the ban on re-entry into the country of expatriates who leave their jobs or cancel their residence visas.
This was stated by Lt Col Rashid Al Khidhar, Legal Advisor of the General Directorate of Naturalisation and Residence at the UAE's Interior Ministry.
Earlier, when expatriates were banned by the Labour Ministry, they automatically got a ban stamped on their passports by immigration authorities, thus barring them from entering the UAE during the ban period, the 'Gulf News' reported on Tuesday.
The re-entry ban has been done away with, and the workers banned by the Labour ministry could re-enter the country on any kind of visa other than a work-related one, Khalid told the paper.
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6 days ago
I have been working 7 years in a goverment oragnisation, SEWA. I finally quit. There were no remarks my my record. I didn't have a contract. I was employed locally, so there was no contract. Now, the company has imposed a ONE YEAR BAN for no reason. Can this be questionable in the court ?? Can I appeal against it ? I have no criminal record.
I want to quit from the company i m working currently, i have completed 8 months in this company, i have limited contract for 3 yrs, if i quit, can they put immigration ban on me?
I recently resigned from my employer, because i will transfer to a government company which is much better. i have completed 6 months in this company, i have a limited contract for 3 yrs., now a few days back my employer told me that they will give me an immigration ban, and they are forcing me to re-consider their offer not to resign and stay with them, or if not they will impose the ban on me... Is this legal? Can they put the immigration ban on me?
I am currently woking with a company and it is been 18mths.I am free of any bad recoreds neither with my co. or government authority here.With an assumtion that i leaving to join our competitior they are threatening me that they might put an immigration ban.I am planning to come back and get married here.To what an extent they can not release me.
How to know that I have got ban or not? I am holding my passport with me, but there is no ban seal on my passport. But I suspect there is a ban from my employer? How to clarify that. Kindly help.
I am working with a health care company.Its a group. I completed one contract of three years with the company and renewed my contract again and completeD one year with the renewed contract. but now my company shiffted me on the on license where sponsor is different.this is again a 3 years contract. I complete almost four years with my employer with one sponsor but now the sponsor will be differnt.if i wish to leave in Jul 2008, can my employer put a ban on me?pls revert back
i want to quit from the company im working currently,my boss is asking me a thousnd dirhams as reimbursement for the visa expense otherwise they will give me ban of i contract is 3 years unlimited but i have completed 1yr & 3 mos it legal & possible???
I had quit my dubai job in May 2007 and after that i gave my original passport to my sponser in India. now the sponser is not returning my passport he is saying that i will personally return you the passport. he is also saying that if you come to duabi the police will arrest you at the airport. i did not do any crime or any theft. he also accepts this but says that this is the rule now in UAE that if your visa is cancelled then you can not get another visa. Is it true? how i can get my passport back? how i can come to know if he had put any ban what he is talking about. pls help me i am disturbed for a long time.
I would like to seek for your advice, I am currently working at a 4 star hotel and I was suppose to finish my two years of service last July 2007, but in August 2007 I availed my entitlement for 60 days vacation leave, and came back last October 2007 where I was given a new position and was transferred to another department in the hotel. After a month, I received a call from one of the distinguished banks here in Dubai and they offered me a nice position in their Company. They presented me with their offer letter and asked me if I could start as soon as possible. So I filed my resignation just this month and had my exit interview with our personnel who informed me that he cannot obtain a "No Objection Certificate" for me. On top of that, the hotel is going to give me a ban. The hotel has this policy which states that if a staff resigns within the 6 months period right after going on a vacation leave, the hotel has the right to impose a ban and deny the staff of a "No objection Certificate". Furthermore he told me that since I was just recently transferred to another department, they cannot give me a release. How come others who finished two years of service in the hotel are getting released?
My point is, I already finished my two years contract with the hotel. I'm still holding a labor card and my visa will be under immigration if I finished three years by July 2008, and the distinguished bank is under immigration. I just wanted to make sure that the hotel has the right to impose a ban and deny me a No Objection Certificate? Is this under the UAE labor law? Are all of these things presented to me by the HR Manager true and correct? Do they can still give me ban at immigration if my visa is under labor? I need only to transfer my visa..Please advise.
I have been working in shipping company located at Hamriyah Free zone for more than 2 years, where I am not happy with my increment & I have offer letter from another company who is not a competitor of my company & my contract is I have work for mimimum 1 year. My financial position is not so good & I want to chagne the job but my employer told me that they will put 1 yar ban on me without any reason. Pls advise whether there is any provision I can lift this ban or fight against it in court.
I am working for a LLC Co. in Dubai. I want to quit from the co. as this co. is not professionally manager. The management is not good to the operation staff as they frequently using tough / (abusing) languages to staff.
It's very tough to continue with this type of co. Also, they are not paying full salary as per agreement.
Kindly advice me apart from labour ban, can immegragation is also imposable on me.
If yes, pls advice how to remove both labour / immegragation ban's.
I worked in EPPCO\ENOC AS FORCORT CSA , AFTER 1 YEAR 4MONTHS.I resigned from EPPCO\ENOC,Because I Got a Newjob in DNATA\EMIRATES,as IT TECHNICIAN.I would like to know whether the immigration will bane me? and how many months will bane me? and is it possible to remove the ban?Kindly Pls let me to know
I'm working with a Dubai based company as a Mechanical Engineer. The job requires us to travel abroad for trainings which is for the companys benift. Inspite of this we have to sign a document to stay with the company for 5 years or refund the full amount spend on training in event the employee decides to quit the job for good. What is the possibility that i can work again in dubai for or for some offical work from some other company without any kind of ban. Is this kind of bond legal in UAE ?
I've left my job for health reasons (unable to fulfil my duties). for 2 months i tried negotiating with my employer as to what to do as i was unable to do my job, but he did nothing. i didn't know about the 30 day notice, and left with only 1 week notice. now labor office says there is a 6 months re-entry (immigration) ban on me as well as 12 months labor ban. thought this was no longer possible? my employer is totally enjoying his power over me, and is very happy to make my life as difficult as possible as this is the kind of person he is. he has a friend inside the labor office
how do we clarify if we have one year ban or not? Is it really possible to come back to uae if your previous company put an immigration ban? kindly help.
I have been four months working in a Trading company and i am not happy even my two Filipina co-employee because the treatment of our employer to us is not good. He always shouting us even infront of other people and we are not also well compensated. We are planning to resign after a year. Is it true that no more ban even if not finish contract?
I completed eight months with a company, and I have three year contract. but I want to go home and reseign from this company. and after resignation if they bane me how can I remove that bane. pl. help me.
I have been working 6 months in united seven construction llc as a section engineer doring joining the company ceo told me company will provide the family status after 4 months when i ask him he told me that is your respansibility. And what they provide the facilities iam not satisfaid about the provided facilities. i take live for 4 days and iam not comeing back and i send my resignation form my home town. so the compay has imposed a ban of one and half year. how to lift the ban please help me .
please someone let me know is there any way to remove lifetime bann for UAE. thanks
i am working in a RAK police dept. from 4 years now i want to resign and quit the job bcoz i am getting better salaried job in dubai.. but my dept. said that they will ban me for 1 yeaR..CAN THEY DO THAT AS POLICE DEPT IS A FEDERAL MINISTRY AND I AM A GOVT EMPLOYEE.?? PLZ HELP ME
I have been working with a hotel in Tecom area since last 10 months, most of my collegues & myself even are very well fed up with Management & Employer's discriminating attitude, so people have already started to resign before completing one per the management, people who leave before 1 year, they will put a ban. is that possible in a freezone? if we get a ban, how we can lift the ban. All are scared about the ban eventhough they all get good oportunities in other companies. please give me a reply sooner.
I'm working for almost 3 months in an LLC company and have LLC Labour card in UAE.
I'm under 6 months probationary period, They said I can leave the company within 6 months providing I will give 1 day notice before leaving and I need to pay the processing fee for around 5,000AED plus.
If I leave within this probationary period, will I be Banned in UAE immigration? Will I cannot go back here even for visit visa within a month after leaving the company?
I want to quit from the company in Al ain ,i m working currently, i have completed one year in this company, i have limited contract for 3 yrs, if i quit, can they put immigration ban on me? can i come to Dubai with in 6 month
Salam ,
I am Adil working in ETA-ASCON GROUP SINCE 11TH JUNE 2006. As on date i completed 2 yrs 3 months. I wanst to chnage my job...because my company is very low pay master and bcoz of that i m not fullfil my basic needs as well as family expenditure.
If i give resign from this company Definately they will put me 6 months banned. But my question is if i get the offer from another company can other emploer release my banned or i have to wait to complete my banned period..
What is condtion will happened if i resign from here they put me banned and i got offer letter from another emplyer. CAn i work here in dubai or i have to wait for my banned period completion.
I am on husband's sponsorship, If i quit from the company, can they put immigration ban on me?
i have completed 8 months, i have limited contract for 3 yrs.
I have been working in a firm in sharjah, i got new job in Fze company. i had cancelled my visa.
The new company had delayed in applying for my visa. my 30days notice period is been completed. my ex employer calling me to exit or they put me in abscond list.
My new company requested for some more days to process. but ex employer is not agreeing.
If i dint exit the country. if they put me in abscond list. whether i will get life time ban? or just pay fine and get my visa done.
Please reply me through
i have been worked for 2 months with transguard visa but i dont got my company visa can i leave back or search foe other jobs or if i like to cancel my visa i got ban.please reply to
I was working with an LLC company due to some personal reason i had to go to my home town was in a big problem and was unable to communicate to any one.But now as the govt law the company has put absconding on my visa please advise what can be done i haven't done any crime please help me i want to come back to UAE.
i was working in a company in dubai wikth employment visa/residence visa and labour card (PATAKA), in only 3 mos because i need to go home for an emergency reason.They cancel my visa and they give me a six months it automatic for having the ban?coz i want to come back in DUBAI asap..theres a news that the banned is out now? is it true?is it possible for me to go back with the visit visa? then process my residence/employment visa if im already there.i just leave dubai last feb.2009.
I have completed my 8 yrs in LLC co. now i have cancel my visa before expire my visa 14 days before. so i want to know that at time of imigration u put me ban for 6 months or not pls tell me
hai friends...i just resigned from my company...i worked there for five month now i got a six month ban from my company and the company have no problem to give me a NOC for transfer the visa to other company...can i lift the ban?
I am working with one company for the last 6 and half years.
I have renewed my (limited) contract (second time) 5 months back.
Can the employer impose 1 year ban?
if they apply 1 year ban, can it be lifted?
Otherwise can I come to UAE in mission visa?
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