Importing our carers adds up to emotional imperialism
Young women from poor countries come to look after our young, sick and elderly - and their families pay the price
"The solution in the west is to outsource care - pay someone else to do it - and that is often provided by migrant female labour from the developing world. So the care gap of the west is resolved at the cost of exacerbating the care gap of the developing world. It's bad enough when a woman has to leave her children alone to go to work in a factory for 12 hours a day; it's even worse when she has to get on a plane and leave her children behind for years at a time, using some of her pay to cover the cost of a maid substitute."
Those of use lucky enough to be able to afford living with our families should think with compassion towards those who cannot: which in the UAE is around three million people.
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1 day ago
This is why the last maid I hired was single without kids. I hate to see them worry about their own kids back home, and wonder how they can truly care for mine if they are homesick for their own. Mine is happy in my home and treats my kids with a lot of care, her only worry is to send money home for her elderly mother.
As for Desert Mermaid, I really cannot condone hiring part-time help unless it is from a reputable housemaid agency. It only encourages illegal workers and the selling of visas, and these maids invariably get caught and end up 'doing' time, and you will not see any of their previous employers visiting them in the slammer. If you doubt me on this fact then a visit to the Dubai Immigration holding cell will be an eye opener.
I understand the high costs to sponser a maid deter a lot of people but the law is there for a reason.
Sorry I assumed you did not get yours from a reputable agency as you said she comes in twice a week (so I assume you dont sponser her) and that she will get work elsewhere, meant to me that she herself would find other work (not an agency).
Yes I have asked my maid if she would prefer to be home with her mother but she said not since she has 2 sisters there and as long as mine is sending money home they can all care for her. In fact I have even offered for mine to go back to visit her mother recently when she heard she was unwell, but she declined the offer.
Don't think I would have someone here who would not like to stay.
My point was that I made the effort to choose this particular maid according to her 'status', and I added that I am against people hiring maids who do not work for an agency or who are sponsered by the employer.
** I meant who ARE NOT sponsered by the employer**
I need help!! Can some one give me maids disadvantages on children
Can some one give me maids disadvantages on children
What do you mean?
I am looking for the contact details for a maid agency. I have tried to contact those on the internet without any joy.
It seems that the system is very difficult. I would appreciate some guidance as my 11 month old daughter is need of good care. I am working full time and my husband is taking care of her currently.
I am looking for the contact details for a maid agency. I have tried to contact those on the internet without any joy.
It seems that the system is very difficult. I would appreciate some guidance as my 11 month old daughter is need of good care. I am working full time and my husband is taking care of her currently.
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