You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbor.
You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and gives you some milk.
You have 2 cows. The Government takes both and shoots you.
You have two cows. Both are voting for Hosni Mubarak!!!!
You have two cows. You create a website for them and advertise them in all magazines. You create a Cow City or Milk Town for them. You sell off their milk before the cows have even been milked to both legit and shady investors who hope to resale the non-existent milk for a 100% profit in two years time. You bring Tiger Woods to milk the cow first to attract attention.
You have two cows. They've been sitting there for decades and no one realizes that cows can produce milk. You see what Dubai is doing; you go crazy and start milking the heck out of the cow in the shortest time possible. Then you realize no one wanted the milk in the first place.
Since milking the cow involves nipples the government decides to ban all cows in public. The only method to milk a cow is to have a cow in on one side of the curtain and the guy milking the cow on the other.
You have two cows. Some high government official steals one, milks it, sells the milk and pockets the profit. The government tells you there is just one cow and not enough milk for the people. The people riot and scream death to the government and carry Iranian flags. The Parliament, after thinking for 11 months, decide to employ ten Bahrainis to milk all the cows at the same time so cut back on unemployment.
You have two cows. One is owned by Syria and the other is controlled by the government.
the one about saudi might and can happen lol
I guess the analogies could go on and on. Anyway, an interesting way to point out the differences among neighboring Arab societies.
I saw a more extensive version a few months ago at Mahmood's Den:
Favorite one: Yemen - You had a cow. It got kidnapped.
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