Disappearing Egyptians
If you are finding it hard to get a visa to the US, do you blame these 11 Egyptians "students" or do you blame George Bush?
If you are finding it hard to fly through Heathrow, do you blame these "mainly young, British-born Asian men" or do you blame Tony Blair?
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2 days ago
Great blog..
keep it up
more kaka we really do not need!what is wrong with these people? when is enough enough already? iblame all of them the egyptians, tony blair ,etc.
Great, it has been a while since I have debated in these pseudo-intellectual posts...
Who do you blame??
Those that use laser targeted missiles or the woman, children and the inncocent population that is burried under the ruble?
Or better yet, do we dare toi blame those that ship these weapons on an urgent basis so they maybe used to crush civilians?
Do we blame those that lied about WMD and all other unsubstantiated lies or the 250,000 that died and the thousands more that were maimed, or those left grieving under the new supposed shining light of freedom?
Do you bame those who have the right to defend THIER homeland, that has been thier homeland for thousands of years or those that have made claims on things that never owned?
Or better yet..do we dare to blame those that conspire in silence or otherwise to promote these lies and hatered of the human kind...
Good philosphical question....
but anyone with more that two brain cells won't get his news from SKY TV....
It's clear in the west the BLAME is already fixated on "terrorists" from Lebanon & Palestine.
The ignorance of most American public is appalling!! Within CNN, Anderson Cooper's blog - ignorant Americans state, Israel's actions in Lebanon is legit, because the "terrorists" are being exterminated!
It's mind numbing, the extent of idiots in this country - when will we see the whole truth! The west is too brain washed by the Western media to follow all these events. We here in the Americas get swallowed up in one travesty only to forget the other- how unfortunate!
Arabs and the Middle East did not hate America, prior to, Israel with American monies and support, stole their land, their homes, their livelihood and continued to treat them in the most inhumane of ways. They did not bomb Pearl Harbor or were involved with Nazi Germany or wage wars with the western powers.
Whilst there exists pure evil in the form of Osama Bin Laden and his cronies - I pray ignorant souls in this country, STOP confusing the issues at Lebanon & Palestine and start to THINK about the true ROOT CAUSES in the ME region, that often leads helpless souls to unthinkable acts.
Can anyone recommend a good (unbiased) book which covers the history of all this? I have been told that a lot of the present problems go back to the early/mid 20th century when the present borders of the ME countries were being drawn. I'd like to read about that period.
trailing spouse...
A few years back I researched a lot of this on the web by googling it.
I couldn't find a book off-line that wasn't unbiased (then I was here in the UAE and didn't really have access to anything out), but I did find a LOT of information that didn't seem biased on the web.
You can start with Wikipedia on the current event, here. And from there, you can find a bunch of relevant links.
Thanks, Tainted.
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