Am going to return to UAE after a gap of ten years. I did schooling in AUH and absolutely loved the place. Now that I am coming back to work, life is not going to be as comfortable as it used to be
Now let me be a little pessimistic here; what's that one thing I have to watch out for?
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2 days ago
stay away from Sharjah
speed guns.
you know it's a little in the economy these days, so you may have to curb your expectations a little.
anyway, good luck.
p.s. yep, keep your hair nice and tidy for the snap shots if you're going to drive above speed limits.
10 years hmmm..? An entirely N-E-W country - new cities, people (a whole lot), cost of living and just about everything else.
Naseem, what gives? Mafi TLC with good 'ol SHJ? :)
Road stress....
Traffic and Prices.
Porsche Cayenne's with tinted windows, arabic writing on the rear and kids jumping up and down on the front seat........
Cars with Arabic writing on the back. They tend to be the worst.
You have to watch out for.....
Lack of proper centralized government institutions, capable of providing the services and infrastructure required by a modern nation.
Constant changing of laws and regulations in an almost random, non-sensical manner, not to mention wild and illogical decrees such as the Cancellation of New Years Eve.
A Press core that has no freedom to criticize government decisions.
High cost of living.
No Accountability whatsoever to the people of the nation.
I could go on and on.......
Naseem probably lives in Shj and doesnt want more ppl to add to the traffic
I was sure traffic issues would top the list. :)
I'd rather spend a fortune and stay close to my work place than get stuck in traffic for two hours every day.
Cost of living is a serious concern; but i guess its lot better compared to dubai ...
Anonymous said...
You have to watch out for.....
Lack of proper centralized government institutions, capable of providing the services and infrastructure required by a modern nation.
Constant changing of laws and regulations in an almost random, non-sensical manner, not to mention wild and illogical decrees such as the Cancellation of New Years Eve.
A Press core that has no freedom to criticize government decisions.
High cost of living.
No Accountability whatsoever to the people of the nation.
I could go on and on.......
Dubai Airport just oepened a huge nice and shinny terminal. Dont let the door hit ya on the way out.
But you wont leave, that fat whore salary you get is well worth all the above, isnt it? Sad pathetic sub-human.
Originall Poster. Lookout for black cars with black rims, with black tint, black tail lights, and black headlights doing 290 on the freeway. Look out for undercooked meat and poultry, Look out for signs that cant be read... or read for that matter. Salik. I just bought a car and forgot that this one also needs a tag. So make sure you get that. Points system. We have black points now, kind of like in the US. and traffic fines have increased anywhere from 100 to 400%. My AED 8,000 a year is a "sadaqa" to the traffic dept I guess.
What else... Look out for Windows PCs. Get a Mac. Look out for "fake real" watches in the market place, Look out for foreigners who bitch alot (prime example above) Stay away from Rosh since he for some reason likes Sharjah (Insanity at it's best) Dont make out on the beach, dont make out in Emirates mall, if you actually do find a job, keep it even if it means "helping" your boss out.
Im sure there's more. You get the drift.
Blessing in Tragedy,
I'm assuming you're a native of this land, and even if you're not,
don't be so quick to tell everyone that criticizes your country's political system, or should I say lack there of, to leave,
after all, if all us expats left, what would happen to you?
yeah Traffic inside Sharjah is just a nightmare... stay away from it... its not as fancy as it was 10years ago :p
Watch out for ABIT, he bites. Don't know why.
lol ABIT, you can be a ABIT*H, at times! :) Despite *the* flaws, I like SHJ. Lovely suburban town. It's more true to UAE than boob town next door.
Naseem, they are working on it.
insanely~positive, true about black points system. It's *the* one thing you need to know.
AD is a whole lot better than any other place, and its best to come to it with new eyes and no expectations of the past.
Its changed a lot, and life is different. But you did not mention where you will be moving from. So that says a lot.
Welcome to AD.
@ kaya...
I'll be coming from Bangalore-India, where the traffic system is so messed up that the only one way you will find is straight up - the road to heaven :)
the amazingly fast internet service
I do not bite. God forbit someone make sense in a way that "slightly" disagrees with yours. God.
AD is better? BETTER? I need rocket launchers on my car to just begin to deal with the traffic here. better? no. far from.
Blessing in Tragedy,
I'm assuming you're a native of this land, and even if you're not,
don't be so quick to tell everyone that criticizes your country's political system, or should I say lack there of, to leave,
after all, if all us expats left, what would happen to you?
I'd be able to do 290 on the highway in said blacked out car since the bulk of the traffic would have left with you. NEXT?
I'd be able to do 290 on the highway in said blacked out car since the bulk of the traffic would have left with you. NEXT?
- You wouldn't have a car, and as far as I know although camels are fast, they can't run at 290km/h.
ABIT, do you see that button next to the return key? It's called a quote mark. Please use it, it's confusing sifting through what's yours and what belong to others.
What's wrong with Arabic writing on the rear? If you haven't noticed you ARE living in an ARAB country.
me too!
btw, when you return, I would advise you to go out and meet people of all nationalities in person rather then compare it with what is said online. Make up your own mind then. Bissalame inshalla.
Jee..wise words Mr BuJ. I, for one, will do so.
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