I wanted to invite the public to a presentation I am making titled
Marketing and PR as a Strategy for Economic Development
Who: Jeremy Tamanini, Researcher in UAE
When: Thursday April 19th at noon
Where: Zayed University, Dubai Campus in Academic City
RSVP: pearlofdubai@gmail.com
My talk will present findings on the success factors for the communication of Brand Dubai, as well as suggestions for enhancing the current model. Anyone interested in Dubai, city branding or marketing/PR should come. Please make sure to RSVP if you are coming so that I can provide you with detailed directions and make sure your name is with security at Zayed University.
Look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Nachhaltiger Ökotourismus in den VAE
2 days ago
Hmmm... eight comments removed by admin... I wonder what was so bad ;-)
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