A feeding frenzy over faked photos.
Isn't reality sufficient? Perhaps the photographer wanted to enhance his own reputation. Perhaps the photographer had a political agenda. Perhaps he was planted by the IDF with the intent of embarassing Reuters and raising doubts about the MSM's coverage of the conflict.
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2 days ago
Too bad for rueters...
but following some of the links posted I can't believe the BS that is posted.
One blog actually goes as far as claiming that the Qana massacare was something that was directed and shot....
And the scene where children are pulled from the rubble...well he claims it is a morgue....
I guess when our children are murdered it is just a scene in a movie.....
but thiers is a tragedy for the whole world....total BS.
Enjoy this piece of brain fart straight from the uk:
It's not getting any better for Reuters:
Reuters employee issues 'Zionist pig' death threat
JC, I wish you could provide a little more background in the way of a summary of the controversy. Just looking at the link you post, I can't figure out what the fuss is about. We see a photo with a kind of strange tile or caption and then people going on about the photo being doctored--but no explanation of exaclty what's wrong with the picture.
BD - click on any of the links in tha article that John points to and you'll see evidence of doctored photos. In the one with the smoke rising, it's so obvious that the smoke has been cloned in Photoshop that Adobe would now be feeling ashamed that its software is used in such an amateurish way.
I dont see the big deal here....
Children have been killed and maimed and all you have to complain about is some photoshoped pcitures....
The whole aggression on lebanon is based on a total lie and scam that almost everyone has bought....
Whats wrong with a national miltia defending its borders and capturing two enemy soldiers that have *illigally* entered into its land?
What about the use of cluster bombs, napalm, and God knows what else....
For the those that have not seen this documentry do it now:
hesham - that's not what's at dispute here, it's the integrity of the journalists.
We all know the situation is bad, but it's not helped when journalism like this takes place - it detracts from the issues and creates suspicion.
If these journalists want people to know the truth, then report it - don't make it up, because the reality is bad enough.
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