06 September, 2005

Blogrolling back up!

And some changes: the Blogroll was getting so long and unwieldy it's now been split into two groups:

UAE blogs
Blogs specifically about the UAE:
- what life is like here for expats and locals
- news about the UAE
- UAE issues and opinions

General blogs
Blogs by UAE bloggers:
- personal content
- poetry and writing
- philosophy, world views
- community blogs (like this one!)

If anyone feels their blog is on the wrong list, do comment below - the whole thing was so confusing and time-consuming that there are very likely to be errors/omissions/duplications.

And largely thanks to pixel8 we have half a dozen new blogs on the list!


George said...

(General blogs)

Anonymous said...

If you could get the guys who eventually gets this contract to blog about his adventures, I would be very interested.


secretdubai said...

Good god:

My Spouse is living in Dubai, UAE, I would like to find out what she has been doing in my absence. She stays out late at night and do not give me proper naswers. I would like to know her activities for a few days mostly during the weekends. I would like to know the places she vistites and the people she meets with. An investigation for a week would do the job. Please help me. I would like to do a week or two of investigation, if i get affordable bid, to be sure she is not cheating on me.

I was racking my brains to work out what "naswers" meant - the Islamic term for some *marital service* perhaps - but sadly I've figured it out now...

clayfuture said...

Umm.. where would my blog come in? UAE or General? I write a bit bout both! and I don't think it's in the blogroll.


Little help, Secret?

secretdubai said...

Hi clay - sorry it should have been there already, I am sure you alerted me to it before. I've put it in UAE blogs because of your posts (great btw!) about UAE security and the good old fuel prices.

clayfuture said...

Thanks! Trying to post my thoughts and views as regularly as I can!

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