There is one aspect of this expat situation that is not taken into account. That is of the religious refugees. There are many, many who come to UAE as well as other Muslim countries not to make money but to hear the call to prayer (Adhan) five times aday, to wear those "oppressive" black cloaks (abayahs) to feel free in niqab, and to learn the dreaded language of Arabic, and to recite that "dangerous book" the Quran. Because in those free democracies, their presence is a nuisance. Thus they are harassed, called names, remain jobless, are forced out of universities, or therir families and friend just don't understand how they could have fallen so low.
And now as the disease of the west has spread like sars, even in this country those who want to practice this way of life, be they local or expat have to be on their best behaviour or they may be, sat down and shut up.
Arabian Travel Market im April 2025
1 day ago
the author sounds like one of those new muslims who suffer from convertitis...
... and move to a muslim country expecting it to be that idealized and therefore non-existent place where their brand of Islam prevails.
Reality check time: because the UAE allows more individual freedom than other arab coutries, it is indeed more islamic. alhamdulillah
Just to give you an idea, the US, England, France, not especially in that order. Perhaps I stand corrected. The word could be suppression, alienation, or just plain uncomfortableness.
Many of the Hijaris do find disappointments and there was even one who felt that in these "so-callled Islamic countries" there is no real Islam. However in places, like Toronto, London, Princeton, the area surrounding Washington D.C. (of all places), Islam thrives, it is better to stay there safe and sound. Becuse here in the Middle East, eventually, what we know as "Muslims" will be soon annhilated save those in the West. They, these Western Muslims will be the only survivors.
Islam, being Muslim, is a dynamic progress, unfortunately its image is static. Wanting to live in a place where other Muslims are is about the way in which people interact with each other. The kindness between people that can exist without any economic undertone, or communalism.
It's a quality of life issue, not a politcal or even so much a religious one in the form of Utopia.
Time and time again, we here about the security and good living that is here in UAE compared to the US, and the UK. So imaging that security, comfort and added to that the ease in which it is to be Muslim.
To give one concrete example, jsut having a spray in the toilet. For a Muslim this is and extremely important fixture. How many times have you seen this in New York City a very international city. Where if you can find a bathroom at all you are lucky.
Where else within Islam can an Indonesian, an Indian, and Romanian, Dane, Egyptian, Finn, Swede, Scot, French, Emirati, Chech, meet on equal terms, speak the same language have at least ten things in common?
The esteemed scholar Eric Hobsbawm, said that the great equalizer was Islam. And he's Marxist!
Yes, in this sense you are absolutely right... But I may have been guilty of the same though slightly differently. When in London a couple of weeks ago I would look suspiciously at any person with a long beard wearing a dishdasha (the male dress) and a gahfiya (scalp cap).
Then fate has to teach one a lesson. My phone is an iMate Jam and I have the Athaan (Call for prayer) installed, so it was scary to hear it go of in the middle of shopping and worry that people might think I'm a terrorist.
That was the saddest feeling that I had to quieten the Athaan so that I would be jumped upon or shot point blank. I love and respect my religion because contrary to what millions may think and what many more proclaim and apply, it is a tolerant, spiritual and enlightening, peaceful religion. You just have to read a lot of appropriate books and delve through the fallacies to reach th truth.
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