14 September, 2005

Google's blogsearch - let the games begin!

I know this is a bit 'meta' in that it's another post about blogging, rather than blathering on about life in the sand, but this is just too geeky to resist.

Google has just launched its blog search engine and, unsurprisingly, it's a belter:

And because this is Google, there's all sorts of behind-the-scenes info crunching going on to serve up the most revelent links. So, before the actual search results are listed there is a short selection of "Related blogs" which Google deems to be...well, who knows? The most influential? Most traffic? Funniest?

As of this evening, Google's recommended reading for those searching for 'dubai' are:

- the dubai chronicles - The saga of Jeff Vergara living in the City of Gold. Presently living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, unravel his journey throughout the city...
- Secret Dubai diary - Intrigue and adventure in the United Arab Emirates
- Dubai, US embassy medical examination - جراح زبردست و سرشناس ایرانی در سال...
- From Dubai directly to your heart - http://henseldogg.nomadlife.org/
- Dubai Daze - http://jumeirah.blogspot.com/

So there you go - a Top Five chart of Dubai blogs. Well, according to Google.

1 comment:

secretdubai said...

(actually this place was aimed at discussions about blogging - so it's not too geeky at all!)

I tested that site yesterday - it's really weird, it links me for "dubai" but none of the pages of my Blogger blog are indexed, yet my mirror blog on LiveJournal - which has spidering turned off - is all over it.

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