05 October, 2005

Cyborg Writes to Paper

Over the "bangladeshi mounted a camel" saga, someone started cussing at secretdubai for not mentioning his nationality, as it somehow is important, and the "relegen" of the UAE prohibits beastiality, and somehow that means no one from the UAE could ever possibly do it...

well, it seems they were not the only "cyborgs" (i am calling these people this from now on) in the UAE;
Stop attacking a decent expat over homosexuals
Thursday, 06 October 2005

To all those people who attacked a decent expat (Penny Francis):

not a decent person would attack Penny for what she wrote, stop hiding you are all nothing but what you support.

Pretending that you are only standing up against discrimination or anybody who takes away the poor gays' rights; it is sickening to see what kind of people are allowed to not only enter and leave within our decent communities, but also to stand up and feel no shame whatever to support homosexuality.

What is really sad is that I have been reading these shameful articles attacking a person who stood up and talked against it, over and over. Very few articles from my fellow locals to say anything about it.

Is this what has become of our beloved country? A place to support gays? I wonder what will our brothers and sisters from the Gulf would say reading these articles?

What will our Muslim brothers and sisters all over the world say? But above all, what will we say in front of Allah allowing filth to be promoted in our Muslim country?

It is forbidden in our religion and our society. It is against the laws of this country too.

7days seems to be touching on quite a risque subject by even considering letters with "gay" in the title.
This will probably turn into a flamefest, and if so i will delete.


Emirati said...
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Emirati said...

how sickening.

Tim Newman said...

I'm missing the point here? What's happened? Somebody has said they are gay and been attacked for it?

samuraisam said...

no, someone, that penny person, said that gay people shouldnt be welcome in the UAE.

today someone wrote into gulfnews about 7days touching on the subject...

"Cultural hurricane overcoming the UAE
The queer nature of the contents of a small-sized newspaper being published in Dubai and being distributed free of cost throughout the UAE has forced me to write this letter.

In December, I will be completing my 29th year in the UAE. I landed in Dubai on December 25, 1976 to work as a teacher. Now I am going to work at a school in Abu Dhabi. I have written a dozen books on various topics. I am also among the early readers of Gulf News.

When I came here, Dubai had yet to be known as a business hub. Though it had set off on the road to progress, the society was modest with stable ethical roots, which were not vulnerable to easy distortion.

Social values were not endangered by the eccentricities of odd traits and trends. Culture of the local community had a solid base, supported by strong religious and moral values.

Now, I find a lot is changing. While a newspaper such as Gulf News is still firm in the field with its solemn nature, a "media hurricane" is striking the cultural identity of the society with full force.

Certain media elements, such as the small-sized newspaper mentioned above, reflect the Western mindset and not that of this land. In that newspaper particularly, news is in brief and views are in detail. Most of the writers are of Western origin.

Thoughts of an extreme "free" culture are expressed without paying heed to the local traditions. I don't know about the administration of the paper but whosoever they may be seem uncaring about the inordinate fragility of the values and principles given by Islam.

Freedom without accountability is more dangerous than poison. If the enlightenment is meant to show tolerance for other cultures, then it also must show respect for their values.
From Mr M.A. Khalili
Abu Dhabi

Have your say:
Mr Khalili raises some very interesting points on journalism in the UAE. We invite readers to send us their views on the subject. Email your comments to letter2editor@gulfnews.com"

as to what "moral values" he is talking about, or perhaps more like bragging (which etisalat does also) i have yet to see in any great quantity within the United Arab Emirates.

samuraisam said...

I also certainly recommend that anyone who thinks moral values do exist in a great quantity to go to http://www.uaeprison.com

OH WAIT!, thats right, its blocked!

secretdubai said...

Tim - basically there has been an ongoing shitstorm in 7Days over the "gay" issue. Lots of people writing in about how appalled they are about homosexuality, and lots of people writing in about how appalled they are at the homophobia displayed.

In the former category, some Jumeirah Jane called Penny Francis expressed her views very strongly and raised a lot of heckled among western expats. She later to wrote to defend herself, citing "messages of support" to her and her "ladies' group" - so you can just imagine the kind of coffee-morning cabal that is.

FWIW, I'm definitely in the latter category mindset. Not the lovely Penny's.

Tim Newman said...

Thanks for the clarification, folks.

As for the gays, they should be as welcome here as anyone else.

Anonymous said...

One of the signs of civilization is a recognition that people are born many different ways and that these differences should be welcomed. The UAE, like a lot of countries (the U.S. included!) has quite a few people who are unwilling to accept an obvious fact: some people were born gay. To claim otherwise is to deny reality. To persecute them is not only absurd but self-destructive. To claim that the persecution of gays upholds some fundamental principle of society just reveals how close to barbarism your society is.

One Nine Seven One said...

'Jumeirah Jane' Why is this name so funny to me?

samuraisam said...

hahaha, 7days seems to have "shut the fucked up about it all and haven't published a single response to that toe rag's letter, and it would've generated hundreds if not thousands. Maybe they got a phone call from the "moral enforcers"

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