Does anyone know what these are?
They're in the middle of the desert in the UAE.
(in case link isn't being co-operative the coordinates are lat=24.6970268 & lon=55.0149286)
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1 day ago
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I think they're water tanks. Each one is on its own conical plinth.
Sam, I see photos of a deserted building. Not an airial shot. ... what are the coordinates?
Arent those water tanks/sheds in the lands being created (if thats the word) for Abu Dhabi citizens? Past the airport but before you hit no mans land.
Damn lucky married bastards.
24 43'50.04N 54 59'31.55E
thats one of seven
You have heard of crop circles?
These are sand circles.
I guess you haven't seem Watchmen yet?
dubai jazz: sorry, got links mixed up. It should work now, when I click on it though it points to a bit of sand right next to where it's supposed to.
Sam, probably something to do with oil? notice how there's a perfect grid of tracks in the land around that area.
But it's kind of strange and uncanny. Good find.
I asked a few friends, nobody knows that is. I'm guessing, it's a tribute to Pam A?
they look like alien spaceships....
Those are bunkers for sure.. they are equispaced by 10,000m2 each... it's a full city underground....everyone knows that these peole have ahiding place in case of war!
That rectangular piece of land is designated as a green belt area, and the grid plan of roads/ tracks is there to divide the property in single "farm" units - which makes it highly likely that the Goat is right and that they are water tanks.
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