This just in - and it sounds mighty interesting:
"Nasser Al Sheikh has been deposed from all his positions - even as assistant director general of Dubai Ruler's Court for Foreign Affairs - the Media Office of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has announced."
The link to it can be found here.
That's all that's being said now, but the big guy of Amlak not only getting the pink slip from the mortgage house, but losing all his titles? Wow, he must have really pissed off some big people.
Let's see what happens next...
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1 week ago
lol. You play with fire...
I have been wondering about the man Shaikh ever since he popped up a few months ago and for once seemed to be someone who talked openly and intelligently about Dubai's exposure to the worldwide credit crisis. Then I wondered some more as he was abruptly (re)moved from the fincance department. Yesterday he "resigned" from Deyaar, and today he "resigned" from Dubai Islamic Bank and "deposed" from other posts...
But worry not. We can expect a clear and concise explanation from government sources any year now.
I thought Emiratis couldn't be made redundant?
I am really curious about the reason. Probably, only the locals (that we know on a personal basis) will be able to tell us the real reason. Perhaps, the blogger Bu Jassem can enlighten us. Some locals will have theories and the best one will have to be taken. Hopefully, someone can shed light on the subject.
Well if you stopped calling people "locals" as if you were a colonizing power in the 1700s that just found us on the beaches of a new island and called us Emaratis (which is what we are) then maybe I'd tell you.
Your ignorance aside, I will ask those in the "know" tomorrow. We shall see.
But remember, when you deal with the top of the power chain in this country, sometimes you dont even have to do anything wrong. Sometimes all it takes is someone suggesting that you had done something wrong. That has happened many times as well.
Absolutely right, Anonymous (23:28)...indeed, as the astute have noticed, all one has to do is rub the wrong person the wrong way, even by way of a simple, ill-chosen comment. But things will change...they must change; it's happening all over the world...the coin is dropping (Iran is an example).
As to the first part of your comment, as an expat who has lived here twenty years, I greatly dislike the term "local" when referring to UAE's distasteful and inappropriate; I always make a conscious effort to refer to them (you) as "nationals". I even avoid using the term Emarati (except when there is a need to be specific) because that would sound a bit juvenile and condescening (just the same as if an Expat in India were to refer to the citizens of that country as "Indians"; it's not necessary to specify that when you are already in that country). My two cents.
I stand corrected on the usage of locals vs. Emaratis and did not mean it in a deragatory way. For that, my sincere apologies.
However, I advice Anon@23:28 to correct people in a respectful way and not label them as "ignorant" because a) perfection is only with Almighty and b) it is far more beneficial way to influence people's to your way of thinking.
Ironically, you might be doing exactly as what the top powers in this country are doing; jumping all over someone with them not doing anything wrong as you commented. But then, I still am curious as to what u found out about Nasser Al Shaikh.
Perhaps the unfortunate Nasser was caught out expressing his personal views - telling the truth, in other words - instead of spouting the official cant. Unfortunate indeed - those 'inconvenient truths' that catch out the high and mighty!
tenali, Huh!?
"local" does sound demeaning. I don't use it much. Not because I find it offensive, but because it's not descriptive enough. I don't know how you can find "Emirati" to be condescending? That's just.. ah.. stupid.
Emirati's call themselves, "citizens" (mwatin) which I also find odd. This whole place is odd, so who cares? Call them whatever works.. so unless an Emirati comes up to me and says, "hey, don't call me this", I think it's fine. As far as I can tell, I don't think they give a shit what you call them, "local", "emirati", "mwatin"..
My personal favorite though is "natives". I think that's the most descriptive.. after all, that does imply their minority status. I wouldn't use that if I wanted to keep my Emirati friends :)
Ok. The scoop as per some very "in the know" people.
Supposedly before he became this poster boy power player he was a high up official in the Dubai Finance dept. Or something of that sort.
he rubbed shoulders with the right people, and was "in" with Sh. Mohamed. hence all the positions.
An audit of that old dept showed some... less than favorable issues. Indeed I believe this as just yesterday a very powerful group (including Bin hamel al Qubaisi) and family were all sentenced to jail sentences.
So that was basically the spark of him falling from grace. higher ups trying to distance themselves from him if (or when) he faces the same music.
Anonymous said...
tenali, Huh!?
"local" does sound demeaning. I don't use it much. Not because I find it offensive, but because it's not descriptive enough. I don't know how you can find "Emirati" to be condescending? That's just.. ah.. stupid.
Emirati's call themselves, "citizens" (mwatin) which I also find odd. This whole place is odd, so who cares? Call them whatever works.. so unless an Emirati comes up to me and says, "hey, don't call me this", I think it's fine. As far as I can tell, I don't think they give a shit what you call them, "local", "emirati", "mwatin"..
My personal favorite though is "natives". I think that's the most descriptive.. after all, that does imply their minority status. I wouldn't use that if I wanted to keep my Emirati friends :)
Native is even worse. And you would stop if an Emarati came up and told you? I just did.
And you are 1/2 correct. Muatin is short for Muatin Emarati. meaning Emarati citizen. Just as in the US one would say American Citizen... or Chinese Citizen.
It is the LEAST odd actually if you think of it.
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