"I am confident that with the addition of Rothschild's expertise we will put in place an independent and rigorous process of qualification and oversight for the fund, which will help our businesses achieve their full potential beyond the near term challenges." Amen to that.

(Photo from December 2006: from left to right: German Ex-chancellor Gerhard Schröder who works as a consultant for Rothschild, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid and David de Rothschild)
I was surprised that most people I talked to here, had no clue as to who the Rothschilds are. They also didn't know about their important role in both world wars, in the Balfour Declaration, in the founding of the State of Israel and in the international world of finance - first and foremost as the founders and owners of the Federal Reserve in the USA (which by all means is NOT federal by the way).
On a side note: Rothschild is not their real name of course, well now it is, but it didn't used to be. Also, the way the media pronounce the name 'Roths-Child- is wrong. The correct pronounciation is "Rot-shilled". Again, if we are to be made believe, that we should support the Palestinians, then by all means, I am sure there are 1000 better ways to do that, than to partner with the personification of Zionism. Do your own research. If you work in TV in the UAE, why don't you propose the movie "The House of Rothschild" be aired. Here's a video (part one) on the history of the Rothschild family. I have also posted part 2 and 3 on our blog.
That's good. But why only advisors on the 10 Bil. $ fund? why not on the entire balance sheet?
Yes, so what? If you have a problem with Muslims and Jews working together then why don't you bloody say it out loud?!
just a brief answer to "the real nick". The original post does not mention anything about the Jews or the Muslims. It mentions that the Rothschilds are ZIONIST and that they had an active role in stealing the lands of the Palestinians (who are Christian and Muslim). Zionism is a racist ideology founded by secular Jews. Not all Jews are in favor of this genocidal ideology.
what was the point of the 9/11 clip in there?
@sam: do some research on the net and you'll know.
Give me a break, the fed is not owned by the Rothschild family. The point of the Federal Reserve is to have independent monetary policy, something which you are free to debate but to say that its owned by the Rothschild family is just total nonsense and a result of the 'follow the herd' mentality that people have on the internet. The moment they see some bogus and unsubstantiated video on youtube.com claiming the fed is owned by X family, they think they know it all.
Let me guess, you'd rather the US listen to Ron Paul and scrap the fed and we go back to the gold standard? You do realise that during the time there was no central bank or fed, banks were constantly going bust and were unstable?
The Federal reserve is ultimately owned by its member banks and any profit it makes goes back to the treasury. THAT RIGHT!!! THE FED MAKES MONEY FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND GIVES ANY PROFIT IT HAS BACK TO THEM!!!!
Wow. It isn't often that you come across stupidity that condensed. Well done.
That video reminded me of Mary McCarthy's comment about Lillian Hellman: "Everything she wrote is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'".
As I said before, do your own research. Yes of course is the FED owned by member banks, but the question is, who owns those banks.
Anyway, facts won't change because you believe them or not. it's not a question of faith at all. Read a history book or watch some movies on the subject. The point was to highlight the activities of the Rothschild family. Whether you believe in this information or not doesn't honestly bother manyone on the entire planet.
In other news, Shaikh Moe ever the wise and all seeing leader of the masses has decided to cancel New Years celebrations again to show solidarity with the Palestinians.........
The problem with the "facts" that you and the movie have presented is that they are unfalsifiable.
Besides, if you really do your research, you will discover the dark truth: it is really the Pentavarit that controls the world. All other theories are just out there to confuse you.
a good friend from uni ended up working at Rothchilds when he graduated 2 yrs after me.. i lost touch with him, still have the yahoodi business card though. we met up for a drink a few yrs ago and he had such an attitude problem with me coz i was not a banker, we never met after that. shame since i used to help him with his engineering homework. I wonder if he still has a job in 2009, with the banks.
that video clip was so ridiculous.. now german royalty are jewish descendants?
what else.. is queen elizabeth jewish?
half the world's assets in the hands of the rothschilds? whatever..
anyway - so why was the family that established mazkeret batya - binyamina - zichron yaakov - nes tziona etc etc etc allowed to do business there.. good question..
by the way - i am a proud zionist..
hmmm Lirun, i am quite surprised.. i didn't expect you to be a "proud" zionist, while making so much noise about peace all the time. Surely if peace and zionism can exist in Palestine then wars will become a thing of the past.
& here we go ! zionism and whether or not to be proud ..
let's see ...
* grabbing POP CORN and PEPSI *
im not going to go into this topic here..
loool, you cannot order food and not pay for it!
same applies to other people's countries...
Hate to be facile but stuff the tribalism and apron clinging attachments to medieval religions or fabricated nationalisms. Grow up, think freely and just be proud to be who you are.
Grow up, this is a cheapo conspiracy theory video full of non-proven "facts" that are as good/silly as the fact that even though everybody denies it, the world is in fact flat...
It's a pile of rubbish. You really cannot take this seriously. Why are people believing in secret societies "controlling" everything. It's bull. That simply is what it is unproven conspiracy theories. And the reason they are not proven right is, because THERE IS NO PROOF. Not because the Rothschilds or whoever are allmighty, but because they simply are not that powerful at all.
Please, if you do research, what you are claiming to do, check and doublecheck your sources. A weirdo writing on the net under multiple aliases and referencing to himself IS NOT RELIABLE.
Anyhow, regardless of what you think, I wish you all the best on your quest to finding the truth. And I second your encouragement to everybody to find it themselves. But only real, hard facts will convince others.
Best of luck!
Why am I not surprized that this particular anti-Zionist is a huge fan of the Protocols? Aren't you all?
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