Have any of your noticed this strange object placed on the side of the road as you come off Business Bay Bridge and on to Jadaff? It is a beige box that looks like a rubbish bin but position in a such a way as to seem that it is a radar.
Does anyone know if it is a functioning radar or not?
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2 days ago
It's a radar.
To add to that; there would be absolutely no sense of it being a municipality bin anyway because it is on the hard shoulder of the fast lane.
lol sam - thoughtful point :)
I know that I passed by that radar, and the one after Business Bay (500m) higher than the legal speed without spotting a flash. It has a dark filter in that box, I am assuming they should have a flash! Well, I do'n't have a fine yet..
actually i think it's the remains of a spaceship.
it can still issue fines though :)
sam what's with the smooth comment? I would have expected a more colourful response. Am highly disappointed!
well I thought its a radar as well until I noticed that it didn't flash went I went past it at 160Km/h at night. On top of that, I checked my speeding fines online and nothing has come up.
And technology wise, I have no idea how they could capture a speeding car's plate number at night without a flash.
So that why i am wondering if it is actually a radar or not.
Sam, I think you've forgotten to add that it doesn't make sense to have a garbage bin at the heart shoulder, provided that municipality planners are smart enough to realize it......
Excuse me champs, I am in a cynical mood today..
I believe the rubbish bin thing is a dummy radar and ppl slow down when they see it....so it does do its job
I must say half the radars in Dubai are dummy radars but I don't know if the one on Business bay is a functioning one or a just a dummy.
The thing that annoys me the most is how they reduced the speed limit on Khawaneej Rd. FROM 140 to 80 !!!!!! WHYYY???? AND THERE ARE NO U-TURNS NOW!!! WHY?????
It's a camera box. There are a couple in the Airport Tunnel too. They might be for catching speedsters or possibly users of the breakdown lane.
There are of course many more boxes than there are cameras. The police move the innards around to keep us on our toes. Sometimes the flash is installed without the camera.
I read that speed cameras are so unpopular in some countries that the local paintballers use the lens for target practice.
It's a dummy garbage bin.
Courtesy of RTA.
Come on guys - BBC World has been preparing you for this: There's a thing on my crossing. But it's not just one thing. It's many...
why has Albania a double headed eagle as coat of arms? I thought that was the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Hi Nick -
Since you ask, it's a photo of the T-shirt I bought in Albania when visiting my son-in-law's family. It is the national flag of a proud and impoverished country that needs all the support it can get.
Best -
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