An Embiz article reports that the tables have turned for landlords:
Landlords in UAE may soon be offering incentives such as free relocation and discount vouchers for furniture and electronic goods in an attempt to attract tenants
First they'd threaten to kick people out for higher rents - and now? Relocation vouchers. Karma can be a b*tch.
Coloring Page
1 week ago
Would love to see this comes to reality very very soon.
Ah Man, this is a lovely 'Pro bono' gesture of sorts. Will they do the same when they decide to push out a tenant that won't accept their mood-influenced increase(s) in time?
I agree with Kyle to some extent. Things will turn around sooner or later and I can very well imagine landlords kicking out existing tenants paying low rents (using any excuse possible) and replacing them with new tenants paying higher rents.
This is what I call:
"When reality hits greed very hard on the head"
I personally feel good that landlords are not feeling very good, becaues they made the market go very artificial.
mood-influenced increase(s)
Explain that one? You have proof, hard proof of this?
No, you dont. you like everyone else like to bitch.
God I wish morons would think before speaking, or at least be silent.
And who is "they?" they, them, their mood... blah blah.
('And who is "they?" they, them, their mood... blah blah.')
Looks like I hurt some moron, loser landlord's feelings!
Kyle you gotta thank this landlord, he actually has time to respond to blogs instead of 'renovating' his furnished apartment into hotels
Don't get excited folks, this is just one person guessing what could possibly happen in the future.
Read the article and you'll see he's simply trying to be a bit creative in getting business for his real estate agency in disastrous times for that industry.
('And who is "they?" they, them, their mood... blah blah.')
Looks like I hurt some moron, loser landlord's feelings!
So in other words, you have NO basis to back up your childish rant? fine.
And a landlord, someone who has an asset, something of value, maybe even a company to lease the units... THAT's a loser. You, you not so much? Of course not. because you are western, and a westerner cant be a loser.
Seabee said...
Don't get excited folks, this is just one person guessing what could possibly happen in the future.
Read the article and you'll see he's simply trying to be a bit creative in getting business for his real estate agency in disastrous times for that industry.
I agree, but sooner or later something (or things) like this were bound to happen. You have MANY landlords now instead of 30, and you have MANY units. A gimmick that adds value to your property will sell it.
I am sooooooo ROFLMAO and feeling vindicated that I did NOT buy in this market! (thanks for that moment of schadenfreude). That said,I do know a lot of good people who invested a lot of their hard earned savings here and have had to walk away from it. Shame.
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