Sometimes Microsoft Outlook gently reminds you of the past, or things you don't really want to be reminded of. Same goes for Plaxo. I don't really need to get reminders of everyone's birthday in my adress book! Anyway. Today I got this Outlook reminder saying "Shk Zayed Accesion Day" - remember, August 6 used to be a holiday!
Can't believe it is almost three years since he passed away :-( .
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1 day ago
We all miss Sheikh Zayed. But then, I don't think he ascended, as such. August 6th used to be his Accession Day. Now that Sheikh Khalifa is the Emir of Abu Dhabi, there ought to be an Accession Day for him; that would be in December, I think. Remember, the holiday would only apply to Abu Dhabi, as previously.
I miss Baba Zayed..may he rest in peace...and I remember how they used to beautifully decorate the capital on August 6, it used to be amazing...gosh I miss those times...
Jus curious if ur missing the holiday on Aug 6 or Shk Zayed! :)
Heh thats true ^^ ... but we all miss H.H Sheikh Zayed, A great man and an amazing leader. Well also on the outlook to the past or onto the past... we remember much more!
I had forgotten about the holiday, but I still greatly miss Sheikh Zayed.
Allah yir7ama.. the Father of the Nation...
Allah yr7ama Baba Zayed
what was it about Sheikh Zayed that makes people love and miss him so much?
(this question comes from someone who is relatively new in the UAE, and has seen every other person refer him as their "father/baba")
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