Someone passed this on to me in a forwarded email. Pretty amazing as I've monitored the mosque progress over the last 5 of so years on sporadic trips to Abu Dhabi.
Does anyone know if the pictures are genuine as well as the information on the second slide? Also, do you know if the mosque is open for anyone to visit? If not do you know what the restrictions are? Who's been?
If they someone else's property (I checked the salsabeel website and found nothing) we can take this down as well.
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1 day ago
If that's a mosque Hoe come i see no islamic scriptures or the Holy Quran verses on the walls or anywhere..
But if it is the Sheikh Zayed mosque.. It's surely a beautiful mordern monument alright!
This thing takes ages to load and it doesn't work! Please remove.
the style is weird for a mosque. But I like it
It really is a huge mosque although I've never been inside.
Don't know if they'd allow non-Moslems inside a mosque in Abu-Dhabi or Al-Ain.
However, in Dubai they do have guided tours, as some sort of cultural/religious exchange.
I received the slide show in a power point format as an email attachment from a friend. I have no reason to doubt its authenticity and it *is* very beautiful, indeed. I hope it will be open for touring in the near future.
Proud Emirati... why do you say the style is weird for a mosque? What is different about it? Just curious? Anybody else having trouble with it loading? I'm going to leave it unless it causes a problem. I guess my thought is that you don't have to click on it if you don't want to.
All I'm seeing are green frames!
Kyle , Islamically non-muslims are allowed to enter muslim worship places.
Brian64, maybe weird is not the right word. It look different though with the flowers and the unique marble colour.
brian64: I removed the flash applet provided by google and instead put a link to the slideshow because it crashes my computer (IE7 on XP); I am quite sure my computer isn't at fault--the applet just sits there and the browser crashes.
I tried loading it up on my ubuntu box (firefox) and it worked, but it demanded quite a bit of resources (bandwidth too) and in the end it just sat there and didn't actually function.
Well done Sam!
So i finally got to see it - what a beautiful building! But the Google Docs thing - first you have to log in, and then it takes 30 seconds to load each image. Are these images stupid-moron-sized? By the end of it my computer was groaning and it locked up all other applications. A lot of pain to view a simple slideshow.
i have been in abu dhabi for 5 months now and can vertfiy that the mosque is truly beautiful especially at dusk and dawn. being a non-muslim i too am interested in visiting this monumental building - can anyone point me in the right direction?
I can confirm the veracity of the photos, having been involved in the project. The photos are superb, and far better than any others I have seen, althought they took ages to download.
I believe it will be open to public tours later in the year, after official opening.
Go and see it, the mosque is every bit as fantatic as it appears in the pictures.
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