The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on 'donating a mammogram' for free (pink window in the middle).
This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site - please pass it along to people you know. Thanks.
Dubai Miracle Garden: Ein grünes Reiseziel
14 hours ago
It's a good thing you've done by putting up this label.
Here's to all those brave women that'll survive their predicament.
Cheers :)
Maybe it's because no one cares? I'm not belittling the subject, but how many years have gone by now without a cure for cancer? It's gotten to the point where most of us sort of gave up on science being serious about finding a cure.
dubai entrepreneur: no cure doesn't mean no hope.
Breast cancer treatment has gone a long way in the last 15 years, in that science has developed drugs with considerably less side-effects, and technology that determines a faster cure for this deadly disease with more accurate diagnosis & then drugs/treatment.
I wonder if there was something personal behind your comment, otherwise, I would have found it quite ignorant and heartless.
Sorry if my comment offended you.
Dubai Entrepreneur:
In our family, we've got two survivors of a not-too-a-distant-bout with breast cancer.
I'll tell you, initially I thought along your lines. However, after seeing these survivors pull through, thanks to care, love, & support (medically), I'm all for science & research.
That apart, I wouldn't give up without a fight. And that's what these organizations offer; hope & survival in addition to taking the fight to the ailment causing gene.
My friend’s father was diagnosed with prostate cancer 13 years ago and he’s still alive today. Partly due to the good medical care and treatment he’s getting at Hopkin’s (?) hospital in New York, but mainly due to the high spirit and stubbornness before the illness.
I, like Kyle, wouldn’t give up without putting up a fight….
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