Since the mirror appears to be blocked, and I don't want to move it to a new blogspot domain (eg secretdubai2.blogspot) for fear of getting the entire blogspot domain banned, if you want to read my blog and can't, feel free to sign up via email using the form below:
I will put the (still unblocked) comments links on all new posts from now.
You can also try Google Reader to read my blog or any other blog.
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2 days ago
I think this post risks getting the UAE Community blog blocked. Wouldn't this constitute as a means to circumvent a block?
Not that I care, they can block the entire net.. those of us who want to get around it will.
To those proponents of censorship, I say: do the ostridge thing while I stick a slab of steel up yours.
It looks like the twisted Perez Hilton concept for blogging...
Looks like they're out to get you this time SD.
I think this whole exercise of blocking a blog is blown out of proportion.
for fear of getting the entire blogspot domain banned
They won’t block the entire blogspot; it has many useful things. Also, if I had a website banned in a certain country, I would get the message loud and clear; so, no need for 2, 3, 4...
Sorry again... I don't mean to be rude!
Why is The Land of Sands blog blocked in the UAE? I thought he was an Emirati?
wow now it is really blocked
I think this post risks getting the UAE Community blog blocked.
I know - and I emailed samuraisam to get his permission before posting.
I'm not sure why Land of Sands is blocked since I don't read Arabic. However he holds the crown for the first blog ever blocked in the UAE ;)
I just want to note that the block doesn't necessarily come from any officials.
Anyone can complain and complain about the website so if TRA found the complain legitimate the website will be blocked.
Proud Emirati, so as a mover & shaker, would you please complain and complain about the website so if the TRA finds your complaint legitimate the website will be unblocked.
Hatem, what you and few others here fail to get through your head, is that you are a minority with your Nasserite nationalism and false bravado! No matter how much nationalism you demonstrate here, at the end of the day it doesn’t count – a hefty bank balance does – if you can figure out what that means.
Anon, I am not Emirati. I am a foreigner on this land who understands that every culture has it own pros and cons. I prefer criticizing my own people (including myself) rather than picking on the others to feel superior.
But I hear some hard tone in your voice... why?
Hatem, definitely you’re not Emirati. Emiratis are rarely named Hatem. You’re Palestinian, Syrian or Egyptian – hence the Nasserite nationalism and false bravado reference.
Hard tone? What makes you think you can attack someone and get away with it? And for what? What are you and brethren trying to prove here, that suppression of free speech is the way forward? It isn’t. You’re only dragging yourself back a few hundred years.
Mine is not a hard tone. It’s reciprocity or simply put, its quid pro quo.
Anon, if I had a false bravado, I wouldn’t say that I prefer criticizing my own people. But tell me, which part of the world names its citizens anonymous? Must be those who have true bravado!
Just a fyi, I don’t use words like “what you and few others here fail to get through your head”; in case you think that your reply is “quid pro quo”. If you believe that insulting the others is freedom of speech and is the way forward, then both of our opinions are well delivered...
Well annoying, I mean anonymous, nationals have the last say so u wouldn't want to upset them !!
By the way thanks to all of those who have signed up - the feed seems to be working fine and the comment links are working so far.
My traffic has only dropped around 300 unique visitors a day, which means that at least around 75% of readers aren't affected by the block. Sorry to those that are.
I know my blog isn't the single most interesting thing on the internet anyway so probably most of the 25% don't care, but those of you that have emailed your frustrations to me, I will continue to work on ways to get you access to my posts.
I am deeply touched when I see unknown commenters accusing others of bravado.
The kind of feedback that couldn't be more credible.
Hatem, do you think me having a name or a blog would make take away the anonymity any more than you having a name without a blog? Here in this blogworld, we are all anonymous.
Freedom of speech is exactly what its meant to be. But how would you know when your mind and functions have been pre-programmed by the state control room.
As for anything you find insulting, there are two courses of action you can follow, to stay away or join in the discussion with an open mind. For the likes of you, I’d recommend the first.
As for anything you find insulting, there are two courses of action you can follow, to stay away or join in the discussion with an open mind. For the likes of you, I’d recommend the first.
Or to join the discussion with a dirty mouth...
Before I leave, you don’t recommend for me what I do or don’t!!!
3azizy anonymous (09:53):
I wonder how you were able to figure out that Hatem is Nasserist and where he could be from when he, as you say we all are, anonymous?
I strongly advice you get a pseudo name for posting comments here, at least we'd be able to tell next time you say something stupid that it is the same person.
Hatem, define a dirty mouth discussion.
My recommendation was for your own good, lest you be branded a traitor by the control room ;)
"I am deeply touched when I see unknown commenters accusing others of bravado."
Were exactly were you touched dubai jazz in between the thighs perhaps
It might be time to turn of anonymous commenting for a bit. Get a name, anonymous!
Atleast, can we get the Secret Dubai Diary removed under UAE Blogs now that it's been blocked ?
Atleast, can we get the Secret Dubai Diary removed under UAE Blogs now that it's been blocked ?
Nope you can't - because it's still there, and it's still a valid blog about the UAE, even if not every person in the UAE can currently access it.
The only blogs we have declined to link to (and from memory there has been only one) was a blog that posted semi-nude images. We felt that was unsafe for the blogger and emailed them to be careful about their site.
It's no different than yours, one uses images and the other one uses words.
If it doesn't work inside the UAE, then why should it be left there hanging like an old photo that will end up attracting dust and mould + more hits to etisalats "Site Blocked".
There's no point of it being there now that everyone will get it through their emails.
I hope hotmail & yahoo don't get blocked because of a silly diary.
You’ve got an adamant weed here with a serious beef against you.
Well, it’s kinda fun to read their demands – it brightens the spirit of this holiday.
Happy Easter :)
Anonymous: the Community Blog has many readers who are not in the UAE and are not subject to the whims of the TRA.
anonymous: you can whinge all you want to, but the link is staying.
As I mentioned, my traffic levels are only down 25%. That means the vast majority of readers can still access me.
I believe that the majority have bookmarked your blog by now.
I don't see anything special about your site, now that it has been blocked and playboy, both happen to be in the same category.
We apologize the site you are attempting to visit has been blocked due to its content being inconsistent with the religious, cultural, political and moral values of the United Arab Emirates.
I don't see anything special about your site, now that it has been blocked and playboy, both happen to be in the same category.
There is nothing "special" about my site: it is just a blog about the UAE and therefore relevant for UAE community blog to link to.
Playboy is an adult entertainment site and not related to blogging in the UAE, therefore Playboy does not get a link.
Do you really find this hard to understand, or are you just totally fking thick as pigshit?
Now you see why they've decided to block your little diary ?
It's the filthy words you use against the government and other members if they hit a nerve, maybe if you had some respect and manners it would have been left as it is.
If hotmail/yahoo/gmail etc... gets blocked, then all fingers will be pointed at you.
You shouldn't have showed the whole world your true nature, but what can I say that's the real you :)
Wash your mouth before you go to bed.
tata...bye bye
for fear of getting the entire blogspot domain banned
Ha ha. You think far too much of yourself. Etisalat successfully manages to filter and block all those porn sites on blogspot, without shutting down the whole blogspot domain. I don't think you have to worry.
How come they didn't block the secret dubai video too ? it's boring and never updated.
Secret Dubai 3
One can always read competition what so ever ;-(
Just goes to show that in the UAE freedom and basic liberties, are not given to anyone. The blockage goes to show just how insecure and unsure the emirati govt. is.
People don't even have the right to discuss issues pertaining to the place they live in... LOL! The place is going from Desert to Concrete, people are going from extreme conservative to out right freaks, the clothes culture is going from strict traditional & conservative abayas to bikini clad, and yet we see that they've left their thinking patterns in 1901.
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