Has anyone seen Dubai Dreams ep 3? It's about the biggest real estate company in the world.. would be interesting to see what people think about it and if it's available digitally (with Sam's help we can perhaps post it on a secret 24 hr link also).
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you mean you didnt record it and convert it etc etc???
you are supposed to be a committed member of this community;)
i did record and even comment about it.. but i cannot share it as i have an old style video recorder not a digital recorder...
whatever, i don't particularly care about the quality as long as its viewable, audio should be audible, no more is required.
anyone at all with this video and having friends or equipment personally to convert it pls contact me : sam@samurai-sam.com
also, we only have episode 1, episode 2 is still unknown, so ep 2 before ep 3 maybe (:
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