I found a very moving movie about Iraq (only about 5 min long) that I'd like to share with you courtesy of Al Mulhama.
Please click here to link to the movie directly.
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1 day ago
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Firstly, I note that the 100,000 Iraqi deaths seems to have been adopted without question by the anti-war crowd.
Secondly, whatever the rights and wrongs of the invasion, pulling all foreign troops out of Iraq now and telling US congress to spend "not one more dollar" is not going to be good for Iraq.
It's a pity there are not more films encouraging people to support the democratic process underway in Iraq, and higlighting the progress that is being made thanks to the bravery of those Iraqis who voted in the elections.
one thing wrong with this video is that they cover deaths of american soldiers, who unless their IQ is lower than room temperature should be fully aware they are going to war and there is a chance of death (they aren't being conscripted or anything); they actually cover american soldiers deaths before that of a vast majority of innocent iraqi civilians who i'm pretty sure weren't prepared to die for some black liquid in the ground.
they cover the americans deaths in the beginning for ~40 seconds, while they only cover iraqis for ~30 seconds. Perhaps they were trying to secure the white trash demographic by biasing the video towards american deaths.
the fact that ~50 times more iraqis died that americans is plain weird.
totally agree.. americans went to iraq as soldiers whose job description is to flight and side-effects to die. it's well documented. read any history book.
the iraqis faced the americans as invaders and the majority of iraqis in iraq are civilians rather than the majority of americans in iraq who are military.
tim newman,
i don't think 100,000 is really off the mark, i'd say it's a minimum value. i've read an article in the economist back in 2003 about iraqi casualties (and they are quite pro-war) and they quoted the 100,000 figure even before the war started!
the point of the video is to show that war is wrong and bad. so arguing over numbers is a bit missing the point.
however i agree now that iraq is in anarchy; removing the troops will only make things worse.
the iraqis like all arabs value honour. they need to be seen to be given their honour back. it's only fair after being invaded for something you are not to blame for.
free iraq + spread peace
The problem in Iraq is not that there are troops, it's that they are American troops. Recall that the reason the U.S. did this alone was because of the grotesque incompetence of the Bush Administration in cooking the date and rushing to war. What needs to happen is a timed pullout and careful turnover to some sort of U.N. peace mission, one that says to Iraqis that their government is not just a puppet of the U.S. (something that must be difficult to do right now), and that it's a government that truly represents the interests of Iraquis and not America. You're right, Tim, merely a pullout would be a recipe for disaster; it's time, though, for a dramatic change, and a part of that change is for the U.S. to rejoin the community of nations and humbly ask for help.
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