I would like to thank the kind person who spread the link around to the dubai dreams file.
"http://www.samurai-sam.com/dudreams01.avi 20 hits"
that link is nonexistant now.
Next time i host something like this i will be much much more selective of who is given it.
unfortunately for a certain someone i only gave this specific link to 1 person... i am verifying how much bandwidth was lost at the moment.
It is still available for anyone who wants it, however i shall be moving it much much more frequently.
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1 day ago
wasn't me
no need to protest innocence. as i said i know just about exactly who spread the link around (:
i'm not going to be doing anything, cept next time there is something like this available, i will make efforts to exclude them.
as far as i can tell they dont have a blog or anything.
Oh that's awful - sorry to hear about it.
I wish we could get it bittorrented to take the strain off one person (ie you!) but the only time I tried to do that to a file I went through hours of cluelessness and got nowhere.
http://www.isohunt.com is no longer blocked, that might be a good place. If you know how to "seed" the thing etc first.
the file is already on bit-torrent and i don't really mind hosting the file, the effect of this is negligible, though the original BT file was pretty dead when i first DL'd it.
the main problem with bit torrent is it would actually require someone with a decent upstream, i have 128 kbps only, so its not an option
Oh Geez, I hope you are not referring to me.
Anyway, I am such a sad sap when it comes to technology that even if I wanted to spread it around, would not have a clue where to begin.
Hence, so many questions!!
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