Another evil practise that needs more light shed on it! Our great Middle Eastern hospitality does not seem to extent to everyone. Especially if they are 'serving' us.
What can I say?
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1 day ago
Outrageous and inhuman - what can one say!! Some of these "employers" should be given a taste of their own medicine.
Dear Local Expat,
First of all, please accept my sincere apologies for not responding to your friendly response a few months ago. I was out on an assignment and had neither the time nor the opportunity for blogging. Unfortunately I missed some interested posts on your blog - especially the one on “naturalization”. (you would not have liked my critical comments thou ;-)
The exploitation and constant abuse of Asian maids in the region is another serious issue (even more serious than the plight of the laborers) and certainly somewhat related to the other blog questioning, if the “UAE is an Islamic nation”.
(Such violations of human rights are unacceptable and incompatible with Islam, since the true face of Islam should be saturated in compassion!)
To stimulate the discussion, I would just like to share an incident I recently encountered in Kuwait. During a group discussion with colleagues from the GCC about exactly the above mentioned topic, a Saudi national said that we are all wrong and that the maids actually ENJOY GETTING RAPED. ????????? Honestly I am a peaceful individual, but there at that very moment, I had to take a walk and cool down. Everyone (colleagues from everywhere and of every religion) was completely shocked and in fact this geek, who of course claimed to be religious (now are we surprised?!) was actually a likeable fellow and that made his suggestion even worse. Moreover he believed in what he said to be true and could not be persuaded to reconsider his notion.
Aren’t we all so familiar with these double standards? While culture and family life are being praised over and over in the UAE (I don’t want to be sarcastic, but from fellows that scr… around elsewhere – upps – a new definition of “I am a family man” –mmmmh …?) and from “bimbolettes” that manipulate and blackmail theses same fellows under the auspices of some even more screwed up religious interpretation? (and thereafter in frustration abuse their maids, if they are not out to practice modesty in shopping malls), nobody cares to give a second thought to a female housemaid that has been separated from her children to earn an income or a cap driver that has not seen his family for over 2 years.
And people start wondering, why Westerners constantly misinterpret Islam?
Cheers and LOL from Germany
PS: Not ethical, but I agree with mita 100% :-)
There are some that are kind to their maids but their presence is far outnumbered by those many headstrong who believe slavery & abuse are the in-thing these days.
The sad part of this whole debacle is the inefficiency of the official authorities that just sit back and watch the whole thing unfold time after time, all over again.
What is much needed is a watchdog to monitor offenders, keep them in check and prevent their reoccurrence.
If that doesn’t work; identify them, name them & shame them.
And the worst thing is they are not recognised under the UAE Labour Law which ,with all its shortcomings, does offer some forms of protection.
localexpat, has the video got any relevance to the UAE?
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