Since the commenting on my "!" post was disabled I recommend that those who want to carry on that dicscussion come to this page ...
samuraisam there is something special for u there ;)
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1 day ago
A forum to unite great UAE web diarists
Running a site like this is tough because it has to balance a wide range of interests. And partner that with he limits on freedom of speech in this part of the world, and the problem increases. Political discussion, perhaps in addition to religion, is one of the most sensitive and polarizing topics there are, and they will inevitably lead to conflict. And here we also see a difference in views of how the world works, which aggravates the situation even more. Whether that sort of conflict and debate is something we should have on this site, is something we'll also have different views on. One thing I'm pretty sure about, foul language and personal insults lead to nowhere, and should not be allowed here.
foul language and personal insults lead to nowhere, and should not be allowed here.
Perhaps, this is the best sentence I have ever seen in this 'blog world' since long!
UAE ALIAS.. pls check this site for a good article by Fahmi Hweidi, too bad I wasn't quick enough to post it before comments were disabled:
I can't imagine why UAECommBlog admin decided to pull this highly-articulate, exquisitely-reasoned thread.
Hello I am Samar , I hope that this message is going to all UAE bloggers.
Me and my team are the creators of the blog which was nominated for the student journalistic 2007 Reuters award.
I am currently working on a Video Peice for CNN on: UAE BLOGGERS THE 21ST CENTURY FREEDOM FIGHTERS.
There is going to be a gathering for all UAE bloggers who believe in "UAE BLOGGERS THE 21ST CENTURY FREEDOM FIGHTERS."
Care to join? send in your personal contacts and reachable addresses as fast as you can.
email me @ : with the info needed
Thank you.
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