I cannot believe what I have just
The Federal Sharia Court of First Instance in Ajman earlier sentenced................... Abdul Aziz - in his fifties .... to death ..... guilty of having sexual relationships with his stepdaughters. .............
The four girls were sentenced to 80 lashes each. Those sentences have already been carried out.
They were charged with 'allowing' their stepfather to have sex with them. The girls reportedly gave birth to 11 children by the man.
One of the girls was eight months pregnant when they were arrested in 2005, according to police.
The women now aged between 21 and 26 told the judge their stepfather used to threaten them with a knife, forcing them to surrender to him.
Oh, and there's more:
the younger daughter aged 15 was planning to marry an Emirati, but her stepfather refused.
With the help of her fiance, she reported the case to police accusing her stepfather of incest and fathering children with her sisters, and that he also wanted to have sex with her.
So. Let's do the maths, shall we?
He married their mother twelve years ago, when the girls were between 9 and 14 - and the youngest would have been 3.
Let's do a little thinking, shall we? If he's trying to start with the youngest when she's 15, perhaps that has been the pattern with the others? Unless of course, this is the one who had the wits and nerve to hold him off a bit longer?
Howsoever, let us say, for the sake of argument, that you are Stepdaughter Number One, aged 15, and Mummy and nice shiny new StepDaddy have been married a whole year, when Mr Shiny comes at you with - Oh look! - a nice shiny knife - demanding sex. What do you do?
Well, you're 15, which makes you a big girl now: confident, resourceful, mistress of your fate, and ..........
ah..... alone in the house. You just say no, don't you? Of course you do, and then he smiles understandingly, puts the knife away, and tells you you're a good girl to know the difference between right and wrong, and stand up for your personal standards.
And he's just an old silly-billy.
If, on the other hand, you allow your mother's forty-something husband to do what he wants, then obviously, you want it too. ("Oh StepDaddy, what a big knife you have."
smirk). You also want a baby - babies! - lots of babies! Just think how you'll enjoy the baby showers! The excitement of clandestine, they'll-imprison-and-lash-me-if-they-ever-find-out-about-this, childbirth, in the cosy, loving care of Mummy, your role model for female empowerment.
How you'll brag to your sisters, tell your friends, and look forward to each romp, each birth.
How jealous you'll be when he starts 'courting' Sisters Number Two - and Three - and Four - and Five.
And of course, they'll be just as keen as you were, because they are also just desperate to have sex at knife-point with their step-father; thus terminating their childhood, ruling out marriage, and committing themselves to living a shameful, criminal lie that can only end when StepDaddy dies or the police find out and put you all in a proper jail.
But then, won't it be fun when you girls have eleven babies to play with? Fun, fun, fun!
Unless Miss Priss, sister number 5 spoils it all. Don't you just hate whistle-blowers?
That's it, isn't it? Innocent or guilty.
Pop Quiz! (Please scroll down: I can't close this gap.)
A | | B |
You say no | or | You willingly surrender at knifepoint |
You're honourable | or | You must be culpable |
You live happily ever after in the family home with knife-waving-but-otherwise-harmless StepDaddy, who will obviously respect your wishes | or | You're a very bad girl |
You and your sisters make a free decision to remain inviolate | or | You all choose to have illicit sexual relations with your mother's husband, and to have eleven children by him |
If you ticked A, that's lovely, and just what any judge in the land would expect.
If you ticked B, then of course you deserve 80 lashes each, you wilful, self-indulgent sluts.
And pity poor StepDaddy, who has been sentenced to death by stoning.
I know I do.