I just had a s h o c k when I browsed through today's Tabloids of Gulf News and saw an article about a Tarot Card Reader at the Wellbeing Show.
What's happening to the people in this country? Don't they know that fortune tellers are as forbidden in Islam as let's say gambling?? How can they pull this off?
Which organizer would not know that? Honestly, what's gonna be next.....
This makes me very sad.
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2 days ago
I don't see the relation between fortune telling and gambling.
If you're going to get angry about something, ask why raffles aren't banned, why prostitutes roam the streets, bla bla bla bla bla, list 10,000 more items.
So you're saying that examining the mud in the bottom of the cup of Turkish to tell your future is haram? Even though "everybody" does it?
Where are the Wahhabis to remind us of the "one truth" when we need them?
I agree with samuraisam. Fortune tellers are no big deal when you have multi million dirham raffles and what not going around in sin city! So let it be!
no i don't agree with you people. I don't think it is right to justify one wrong with another. Fortune Telling is an offence under Sharia and UAE law and while you may say, ok, there are prostitutes in Dubai - yes, there are! But not having a booth at the healthcare show! (Well not yet, I should say)
why not?
If someone else doesn't get pulled over for using the hard shoulder then why should I?
Same principle.
If there is no persecution for something as equally bad / if not worse, then why is there an issue?
Why the double standards?
In my opinion, fortune telling is about as bad as selling pork in supermarkets, prostitution is something far worse, yet is virtually unchallenged in Dubai.
Last I heard there was no "fortune telling" mafia either, prostitution creates crime, disease and social problems.
Fortune Telling is an offence under Sharia...
I'm beginning to wonder if there is anything that isn't. Weather forecasting, for example?
Islam has forbidden all practices based on erroneous beliefs such divination of evil omens, the wearing of magic amulets, fortune telling, astrology and the like. By the way, it is not only forbidden in Islam but also in the Bible (isaiah), for that matter.
So again, I don't think you can aplogize one wrong with another and I certainly won't sit still and do nothing.
Islam has forbidden all practices based on erroneous beliefs such divination of evil omens, the wearing of magic amulets, fortune telling, astrology and the like.
Heh! The desire to be taken seriously by ones compatriots has served to outlaw such practices amongst all right-thinking folk in the West.
So scarlettepimp...
What you're saying is....correct me if I am wrong please...
Is that it is perfectly alright and FINE is Muslims break their own sacred laws...but is is NOT alright and punishible by long and painful DEATH if non-muslims break YOUR laws?
(Disclaimer - I realize that you did not say anything about that...this is just an example of the good old Muslim Double-Standard that the west is getting beat up about as we speak: Re: Death to Denmark and all that jazz)
If you go to a fortune teller your prayers are not answered for forty days . It is a major sin in islam . Same as those cartoons the actual punishemnt for slandering the prophet and his family is death.
what makes you think I'm German? Aren't the UAE laws valid for all people living here, whether Muslims or not?
To sum up most of the above posts...
"...Fortune-telling, gambling, prostitution AND lotteries are 'haraam' (forbidden) in Islam...."
And it all takes place here. The Astrology Page is a *must have* in virtually every newspaper and magazine published from Dubai...and it's not a recent phenomenon.
But that's all right...it's only bad if the Danes do it. They should live by our rules; as for us, we have freedom of choice.
It's kind of saddening, isn't it, when huge masses of people think it's the government's job to make sure they go to heaven...
What is the big deal. Half the pictures posted in any newspaper are of half naked women (and men) If you dont like looking at them, dont buy the magazine. It is bizzare that you are picking on a small fortune telling ad and ignoring the far more senister [more forbidden] stuff.
Hello, I was able to visit the Tarot Reader Mona Magick at the Well Being show and she mentioned to me that if I wanted to have a spiritual consultation instead I could, as divination is against my religion too - then it would be fine cause she wouldn't use the tarot cards. In fact she talked to me just after reading for two Muslim women in full dress. I understand that Dubai has it's laws but again I look at my horoscope all the time in Dubai publications and no one complains about that unless its a double standard we are talking of here. Finally, you're right - right is right and wrong is wrong but if Dubai wants to have forms of gambling, occult (astrology), sex adverisements (suggestive clothing etc) to attract tourism all for money I may add then they better learn how to compromise! If Dubai wants to make money then they should learn how to work with things they have double standards with obviously is in demand with some people (both residents and expats) Too bad the person who posted this was offended but what was he/she affraid of? This reader didn't refer to anything bad against God/Allah or my religion in any way.
Old news:
The fortuneteller was at the show 4-5 years back when I visited for the last time. I remember, there was a lady from Abu Dhabi at the ballroom of Jumeirah Beach Hotel.
Regarding the gambling: last week the Dubai World applied for gambling licence in Nevada.
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there are alot of things that are islamically forbidding but are legal in the UAE... this isnt Saudi.. take a chill pill! seriously!
the beauty of the UAE is that you can live both lives, the extremly conservative islamic life all the way to the extremly liberal western life and everything inbetween in HARMONY!
Hey, this is an old post although prejudices on divination continue..........
I do readings and tools I use are my intuition, astrology, oracles and tarot and would never define myself as a fortune teller because everyone has choice to what outcomes happen in their lives. People who I have read for all say how empowering it is to be given insights into their affairs when they do not have clarity at the time. Those who think it is evil most probably have never had readings and there are many levels of awareness, depending on the reader and the subject.
Why do people have to focus on their differences instead of their similarities? All these labels of separation – Muslim, Christian, Jews etc are used for acts of war. For goodness sake we are all Earthlings. It is the limited views and all the judgments, I believe, that is the problem not divination.
If one stops and does some historical research you will find that a handful of individuals in religious leadership gave divination a bad name, when if fact in ancient times it was always used by royalty for guidance in the East. In the west divination lost its favor by royalty in the Victorian era and the people followed.
Divination can be used as a powerful healing tool for the mind and emotions
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