Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) are nothing new, but have you ever wanted to see what would it be like if you picked another path in life? Or maybe actually know how it feels like to be a first rate reporter or journalist?
Well look no further,
Second Life is exactly what you are looking for a huge population, a good commerce system and low (free) subscription fee to test out the game – ahem - new life.
The Rest Here....
I think Second Life is exciting but why is this here on this blog?
To you guys above, if you click his link and read on you'll see one of his points, that Dubai itself offers a kind of second life.
I get the comment (found at the link), some would say get a life, others would say get a Second Life, but I still wonder why people would bother with second life when--for most adults--normal life, whatever you're into should keep you busy enough.
It is one of the new internet--or should I say Web 2.0--buzzwords. But it's way down, I'd say, from other Internet activities like chatting, blogging, youtubing, etc. Maybe I'm just old, but I don't really get it. I think it's for juveniles and gamers.
If I may add, I also don't get all the hype about Web 2.0. The internet from the very beginning was all about user interactivity. Before blogging and youtube there was and still is email and groups and all those old usenet and bulletin board things. All the new stuff is just a natural and gradual progression from that.
el gringo: Comment deleted. No shit stirring allowed.
gringo badaboom: comment deleted again.
have a life ..... no no .. a Real Life not a Second Life
At first glance I thought the logo was the plan of yet another proposed coastal development.
I think Second Life, if used properly, can be an exciting outlet and "secondary" business and learning opportunity. If there is anyone out there who had investment time and money in Second Life, and seen profits, give me a shout at
I work for a newspaper in Abu Dhabi, and plan on writing on the subject in the near future.
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