Democrats Unite! I know it is tre cheesy, but if we believe in this fundament of for the people, by the people, and of the people, then, why not? Democracy is supposed to be the magic bullet that destroys all evil, the answer to the $64,000 question, and the cure all for incurable diseases. And whither democracy?
If you didn’t read today’s Khaleej Times, you should. There is a very good essay by Ramzy Baroud that calls for an end to the boycott and sanction of the democratically elected Hamas government. A few pages before that in the Middle East section there is a description of what the suspension of aid is doing to an already impoverished, crippled, and almost hopeless people of Palestine. Now you could sit there and argue that there is this kind of violence committed by the Palestinians and that Hamas should recognize Israel, etc., well, I can guarantee you that if they did, it wouldn’t do much good. Look at Qatar, they were the first ones to extend a hand to the Israelis and it’s probably what got them a seat on the UN Security Council, but when the wrote a draft condemning the strangulation of the Hamas government, and the starvation of the Palestinian people, their resolution was veto, and probably crumbled up and thrown in the trash.
So my expats, who live in this Middle Eastern Paradise, while you sit in the sun relaxing and enjoying the good life, just think of others who are less fortunate and write to your MP or Congressmen, to stop the nonsense.
The Hamas government is the result of what the United States demanded-a democratically elected government. To the EU, US, and Canada, et al the scaredy cats governments, following suit, I say, just give them the money and see what they will do. If you though that you vote counted write to you MP and I will write to mine and I guess we will see how democratic our governments are.
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2 days ago
The US and EU are right to deny aid to Hamas, and they have every right to. Contrary to the bleating of idiots like Patrick Seale in the Gulf News that not funding Hamas is equal to blackmail and dismissal of the democratic process, the US and EU have fully recognised that the Palestinians have elected their government of choice and have made no effort to interfere in that choice. However, electing the government of your choice does not come with a right to have that government’s policies accepted and funded wholesale by anybody outside of the electorate. If the Middle East is going to adopt democracy as a workable model of government, the people need to understand that democracy entitles you only to be governed by your party of choice for a limited period, and nothing more. It does not entitle you to foreign aid and endorsement of party politics. And until Hamas accepts the right of Israel to exist, enlightened liberal democracies should exercise their right to stop funding their activities.
Well, my oh my! Isn't it enough that you recognize those who occupy Palestinan lands?
I am sure that they thank you, but the true owners of the land don't. In the words of my mentor and beloved professor, the honorable Eric Hobsbawn, who said, "I am a Jew, but that doesn't mean that I have to recognize Israel."
I am sure that they thank you, but the true owners of the land don't.
The true owners are Israelis, whether you like it or not.
And by the way, I would have thought you would have been somewhat embarrassed to state that your beloved mentor is a chap who believes that 20 million deaths is justifiable to achieve an ideological goal. That you are not speaks volumes.
Hey why follow the crowd?
The true owners of Israel are Israeli, and the true owners of Palestine, i.e. West Bank and Gaza are Palestinian.
The Palestinians may have a claim to the state of Israel, but it is not rightfully theirs. It belongs to Israel, period. Israel is here to stay, no matter how you dress up your argument that it has no right to exist.
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