With mashups being the hottest thing on the net these days, I have launched
this humble little site that is based on Google maps and some nifty Ajax related effects.
In essence, this is just another little step with experimenting wit all the cool APIs that are available these days on the net. With Google, Newsvine, Diggit and Amazon APIs available, among others, the possibilities are endless.
The mandatory web 2.0 beta badge is in effect here as well, but unlike most, this site is truly still in beta, and I would like to invite all of you to register and start adding some interesting markers and give me feedback on what you like and what you don’t….
Map.ocit.ae Edit: image edit to reduce size
Well done!
The markers are a bit big which may cause some clutter if there are many in one location.
The interface looks fine though the data needs to be be verified by an admin if possible to make it more reliable.
Very nice!
I am not trying to rain on your parade, but I think the site works better on IE than on FF. perhaps you will be able to address this :)
I just couldn't add my blog to your site ... I'm not sure why ... I tried to hit (Add Marker) but it won't do it .. hmmm
Cool idea!
Points taken, I will let the markers be for a while until i get the tech issues all taken care off.
As for verification, it is an issue that was under debate for a while until I decided that I leave the posting to be instant but the admin can review the list for all the new markers later on...
Still some other way to get actuall verification of data is needed and I'm still not sure how to di it...
Thanks, I have tested the site with IE6 IE7 and the latest FF and they seemd to work fine for me, I would really appreciate it if you can guide me to where exactly you see the problems with FF so I can fixem right away. FF is my fav browser and it is important to me that everything works fine there...
Your Marker is posted and visible...
@emirates mac:
Thanks, so is your site..
I love it...Great Job...
Hi Hesham, checked again, things appear a little larger in my FF than in IE 6 for me. I am not sure if it is to do with some FF related quirk or if my quaint settings are doing this. Ever since i found the secrets of FF i messed around a little more than warranted with the said secrets and....
BTW, does it refuse to zoon in on 'certain' areas ?
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