The recent accusations of that thing in the Vatican will surely lash out much more anger despite all the efforts to quench the rising tension.
"He began his speech by quoting a 14th-century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologus, in a conversation with a "learned Persian" on Christianity and Islam -"and the truth of both."
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached," the pope quoted the emperor."
It's worth mentioning that the Indian and Pakistani authorities seized all newspapers that printed the Vatican thing's allegations towards Islam for fear of retaliation. This has enraged me even further, so you people, who've been feverently attacking Etisalat's censorship, I hope you will find this humoring too.
Shaikh Khalid Al Jindi has just been interviewed on the MBC1, and said about this Vatican thing: it is one of two things, either this thing doesn't read, in which case it's a disastour, or he does read, in which case it's malicious. He thinks it is the latter. A very precise accusation wrapped in the gentle folds of quoting someone else.
Another source says: As the criticisms gathered force, the Vatican worked quickly to quell a potentially damaging confrontation with Muslims. It issued a statement saying that the church seeks to Âcultivate an attitude of respect and dialogue toward other religions and cultures and obviously also toward Islam.Â
So much for respect for other religions. Tell you what, when you starpracticingng what you preach, go on the limb and accuse someone else. Furthemore, if Islam has really spread by the sword, how come there were only 63 wars and the totally number ofatalitieses on BOTH sides was 386, all in the 23 years in which the PropheMuhammaded spread the word of Islam? I bring to your mind the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the VaticanÂs relations with Nazi Germany, all attesting to the Vatican's BLOODY HISTORY.
He and his Vaticancan can scramble all they want for excuses, thank you: point taken. Hatred just spilled!
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Fellow bloggers, please share your opinions.
And risk being deported.
Let's say he just provided us with another excuse we've been waiting for. I've been wanting to boycott all things Italian. Or perhaps German? Why not both?
Ferrari, Mercedes and BMW will have to come crawling to us on their knees...I can just see it, right...
DG: there's always a first one. I don't want to be him. And did you ever hear of self-censorship?
Have you guys wondered why west is moving away from religion?
Enlightenment perhaps if you mean they are just moving away from religion.
Why the followers of Islam are on the rise while the churches are becoming more empty with each passing day?
I would like to see some statistics proving the same.
Why the West felt the need to separate church & the government?
Because that makes perfect sense. I would prefer to live in a democracy rather than in Christian or a Muslim country which gives preference to one religion.
And why muslims cannot do the same with their religion?
As a Muslim, I am all for it. I do not know about the rest.
Why is the West so afraid of "Clash of Civilizations" while in reality there is so much common between Islams & Christianity?
Theres a difference between religion and culture - which neither the west has interpreted correctly nor majority of the muslims.
bye bye.
oink oink (aren't pigs haram?):
I would sooner drown in a vat of mango chutney, than boycott Ferrari. Another name for God is Enzo.
Keefie: so long, was good to know yuh.
It thoroughly amazes me that Islam has spread on the tip of the sword and yet it has been called "Religion on the Rise", some describe it as proliferating (despite the negative connotations)
Had Islam really spread as alleged by the sword, dont you think it would shrink to a minority as we progess in years. How many muslims, converts and born, do we have in the year 2006? in the 1400 years that Islam has been on Earth, if it was infringing on people's lifestyles, would it have been banished, shrunk, practiced by minority?
Islam is a doctrine of living. There is not one place that it contradicts with the natural instinct of the human being, the pure one that is. Islam
جاء الاسلام ليحرر الناس من عبادة العباد ,لعبادة رب العباد
و لو تامل البعض في قول الله سبحانه وتعالى و حديث رسول الله لكنا "خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف و تنهون عن المنكر" و تيقن الذي في قلبه شك بأن محمدا حق و ما جاء به الحق من ربك فلا تكن من الممترين
Islam as a religion is not disjunct, it came as the final word from Allah to cap all the reliogions that the prophets before Mohammed called for: Christianity and Judaism.
In addition, it is the bitterness of the Byzantines after their defeat by the small armies of teh Muslims that lead to those false accusations. Anyways, the brilliance of the Muslims armies and their intelligence is evident to scholars who have objectivity in their eyes. For example, Khalid bin AlWalid, a famous muslim warrior, is still quoted and his tactics are still taught in military schools (Ask the french).
In conclusion, Darwin has predicted the survival of the fittest and hence the weak always perish unless it inds ways. Explain to me then why Islam is still on the Rise?
It is all about power.
Balushi, don't give up -- the original sin is a joke.
George Bush couldn't have asked for a better intervention from the heavens above. Pope has bailed out the embattered President Pretzel.
"Foot in mouth" disease is very contagious, especially with people who crave for more and more power.
That was me (above). But the little box for my monicker didn't come up.
Oink, Oink (snorrt!)
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