USA Today:
The tower, announced Wednesday, will use the Persian Gulf's abundant sunshine to power the building's slow rotation that brings it full circle once a week, said Nick Cooper, a British engineer designing the rotation mechanism.This isn't the only rotating building to discussed for the Emirates. Here's one that would revolve 8 times a day. Here's one designed for Dubai by Koolhaas. (Koolhaas is also doing an ec-friendly design for RAK which he says is now "'at the moment just an airstrip for Russian prostitutes." Did he get the project?) Then there's the rotating bed.
"This will be a fair building," said Cooper, of M.G. Bennett and Associates Ltd. of Rotherham, England. "Everybody will have the same views for the same amount of time, so you won't have certain rooms with the best view."
The 80,000-ton building with 200 apartments will sit on a giant bearing 30 yards in diameter, coated with a nearly frictionless polymer, Cooper said. Twenty small electric engines will turn the building a few degrees each hour, Cooper said.
There are probably other examples.