I wondered if this would happen after all the rains, and indeed it has. Parts of the desert are turning green. This snap is from a side road off Emirates Highway in Ras Al Khamaih. It was a Friday (22 Dec), and later on in the afternoon SUV's could be seen dotting the greens as people picnicked. Unfortunately, they often left tracks across the virgin grass and litter here and there.
wow.. dude.. thats some very cool phototalent..
over here in israel we too have heavily invested in de-desertification..
in some cases i like it.. where there once was forest.. but generally i must admit that i love the desert.. i love hiking in it.. spending time in it.. driving through it.. wouldnt want it to all go away..
wishing you all a merry festive season..
You don't even have to go that far away to see people leaving trash everywhere, just peek out your window pretty much no matter where you are and you see someone trashing the place....
i'd love to spend weeks in the desert instead of the hightech city, am I the only one ?!
just sitting their, eating some dates - the food of the desert -
is it legal to camp weeks in the desert instead of renting a materialism modern hotel..
it is rather stupid spending a lot of money on the hotel if i will only be in the desert . . . . .
I don't think it's illegal; depends on the spot you choose. Camping itself ain't illegal per se.
Most of you must have been to the "Green Mubbazzarah" in Al Ain (the hot springs near Ain Al Fayda). Literally a case of the desert turning green. The boating lake itself is quite massive; but all of it very evidently man-made...
beautiful pic...
Its been a while since its rained soo much in the UAE in such a short period of time....hope those wonderful times are back this year...& stays for the years to come....
The UAE has over 40 million palm trees which is around 20% of the world palm tree. No country compete the UAE palms.
You mean date palm trees, don't you? In Kerala alone, which has 30 million people, there are probably 10 coconut palm trees for every person!
Woah, that's a great pic. We could do with some of this undesertification in Australia, believe it or not.
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