"This essay contest takes its title from a 1951 poem by Langston Hughes: What Happens to a Dream Deferred?. The poem helped propel the civil rights movement in the United States. Today, it will hopefully inspire you to describe your dream deferred for the Middle East, which the United Nations calls the world’s least free region.
The “Dream Deferred” essay contest has two parts: one for Middle Eastern youth (25 and younger) and one for American youth (25 and younger). To participate, all you have to do is write a brief essay (600-2,000 words) addressing one of the questions below. Winners - selected by a panel of celebrity judges - will receive a $2,000 prize, with other prizes for top essays (details below).
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The “Dream Deferred” Essay Contest on Civil Rights in the Middle East
A chance for young Americans and Middle Easterners to express ideas on
civil rights. If you live in the Middle East, what changes do you want to see?
If you live in the US, how can you use your freedom to make a difference?
Cash prizes up to $2,000!
Essays must be between 600 and 2,000 words – in English, French, Arabic, or Farsi. Contestants
must be under the age of 26 and from Arab League member countries, Iran, or the United States.
Celebrity judges include Gloria Steinem, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, and Ammar Abdulhamid.
* One essay in the Middle East and one in the US will receive $2,000.
* One essay in the Middle East and one in the US will receive $1,500.
* Three runners up in the Middle East and three in the US will receive $500 each.
DEADLINE: March 31, 2006
Details and Entry Form at:
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