Heathrow Airport Tunnel....Dubai Metro..What do they have in common?
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Link : http://gautamjgoesplaces.blogspot.com/2006/03/heathrow-airport-tunneldubai-metrowhat.html
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2 weeks ago
A forum to unite great UAE web diarists
1 comment:
Hmmm. I don't get your point. What's the big deal? Shouldn't the company be judged on what it's done lately? Isn't the concept of redemption universal to all cultures? What were the alternative suppliers for the Dubai Metro and how qualified are they?
1. Is Bill Clinton capable of changing his life?
2. Should America not consider what the UAE is today when considering how to judge the ports deal?
3. Isn't Exxon now a better company than it was? Should Exxon have been turned over to a less experienced management risking greater propensity to spill oil?
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