Architect Frank Gehry is to design the Guggenheim Foundation's largest museum in the United Arab Emirates. The museum, which will cover 30,000 square metres, will be built in the capital city of Abu Dhabi. Guggenheim's flagship museum for modern and contemporary art is in New York but there are branches in Bilbao, Berlin, Venice and Las Vegas.Pretty nifty.
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1 day ago
“Al Hosn Palace, the oldest building in Abu Dhabi, is to be converted into a national museum… [It] will be modelled after the Louvre Museum.” More on this and related stories here. Looks like Abu Dhabi is on a museum building campaign!
how about getting the people interested in arts first ?
I think it is rather wonderful that the cultural wasteland that is Abu dhabi is to have a museum named for a powerful Jewish-American family and designed by a Jewish architect.
I think it's great, about time.
anonymous@12:03: I think there are people interested in arts, you just aren't lucky enough to know them.
anonymous@12:17: Cultural wasteland, you may think, there's lots underground. Start wandering around the city, AD and Dubai, you'll be surprised.
Start wandering around the city
In this heat?!
I count it a miracle if I travel the distance between door and carpark without collapsing ;)
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..and guess what, my favourite architect is going to design it :):) this is going to be the best architectureal peice in the middle east, created by the best architect living today... nothing much to say rather than cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers :D
Very good news indeed.
hehe, at night would be good.
But will any nude art be displayed? I just wonder if the whole concept can really work in Abu Dhabi.
OMG! Just read the news article. I can't believe the Guggenheim will be built on Sadiyaat island. I worked on the island for 4 years from 2000-2004. To me and my colleagues the island was a joke and a wasteland. Even then there was talk of turning it into an island of commerce and banking to join the ranks of London and New York. All we could say about that then was "Right..." with a snicker. But now they're talking about the Guggenheim. I'll have to see it to believe it.
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