Today i went through the website of the National ID card to get some information.
While I think the project is useful, I was surprised to see that they charge AED 100 for nationals and AED 500 for non-nationals. Quite a steep price difference! What do you all think about that??
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1 day ago
Hmm, did you expect equality ?
Inequality is an extent, they are locals and citizens after all.
But a difference of 400 is a bit high.
With something like a national ID card, I don't think they should be charging for locals at all. If it becomes mandatory to carry it, citizens should get it free.
Dh500 seems rather steep for the expat version, unless it is intended to replace labour cards and health cards etc.
I believe the card is your health card, driving licence, e-gate card, library ticket etc.
However, I'm not goingto be rushing out to get one.
Yes, it does sound like a replacement for all different forms of identification. I don't think it's steep. secretdubai, yes, citizens should generally not be charged for such things -- but if it does replace several cards, it means that there need to be a charge. In this case, the charge is heavily subsidized (500 --> 100).
Egate - the Egate SW is on the blink, imagine the queues ...
500 seems pretty expensive to me.
I think 500 is much too high.
Is it likely that labourers' companies will cover the fees for them? What about people who work at hotels/retail?
It cost me AED 160 just to get my degree stamped by the UAE Embassy. They must make a hefty profit from this paper work!
So what's new? I'm not getting one if I don't have to... there are already so many copies of my photogrpahs and employer's no objection letters scattered around this toen,I think I'm already pretty identifiable.
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