Here in Dubai we all know that some nationalities are not popular at all ( One of them very unpopular and we don't want to point it out, every body knows). These people cannot hide their accent, their look and lack of table manner, and no body likes them, but it seems like they are facing it quite easily. I am surprised of other people who are for instance from East Europe and they just cannot stop hiding their nationality. You hear this a lot 'My parents are from Romania, but I was born and grown up in UK, and the truth is that he has had a 6 month unsuccessful career in Scoltand! Many other are German, but end up being from Austria, Poland, etc.
As a very proud of her nationality young lady, my advice to this people is looking at our friends from that very unpopular nationality and see how they face it and deal with it. Be your self guys! You are not that unpopular, are you?
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1 day ago
"Here in Dubai we all know that some nationalities are not popular at all"
Are you referring to Israelis?
The Welsh, surely.
It has to be Arubans.
oh no!u can't mean the portuugese?
(Squints eyes, in best Eddie Izzard voice)...uh...What?
“Here in Dubai we all know that some nationalities are not popular at all ( One of them very unpopular and we don't want to point it out, every body knows).”
Well hon I might be dim-witted but what nationality are u talking about ! we have more than 200 nationalities in the country!!!
In a nutshell, the one who befriends others based on their race or origin doesn’t deserve to be called a friend….to hell with such ppl!!
Full stop
i am actually feeling extremely popular on this blog.. even though i am israeli.. maybe she is talking about us afterall :)
Come on Nadia, we're all dying to know which nationality you are talking bout. Don't be shy.
The first half of this post I find most racist.
ArabLady: "we have more than 200 nationalities in the country!!!"
Ok, sorry to burst your bubble, but there are only 193 countries on planet Earth. Unless someone can explain dual nationalities in single countries (and please do if I'm wrong here).
Lirun: Sorry if you thought my comment about Israelis was offensive; it was meant to be offensive to the author of this post rather than anyone else. From what I understand, Israelis aren't allowed in this country at all, hence my comment.
One of them very unpopular and we don't want to point it out, every body knows
Quite honestly, I truly don't know which nationality you're referring to. I've heard just about every single major nationality present in here slagged off on numerous occasions, including my own.
I can guess that it's not Tibetans, Tongans or Martians, but that's about it.
Umm ...actually Israelis are in fact very un-pop-u-lar in Dubee and the rest of the arab world for that matter, you know, with the ongoing genocide of the palestinians and all, a small matter that might have slipped your mind , POSSIBLY??
Speaking of Israelis, yesterday I was fortunate to bump into what I presume was one at the 2nd level of Shakespeare's on SZR (in the secret hideaway section for people who don't fast).
This chap was wearing very clearly what was a Quicksilver T-shirt but in hebrew... how cool :)
I think they are slowly being welcomed over here, but obviously in a "we won't talk about it" kinda way.
Again Lirun, this is nothing personal against you :)
PS: Shakespeare's on SZR is in Dubai.
"...actually Israelis are in fact very un-pop-u-lar in Dubee and the rest of the arab world for that matter, you know, with the ongoing genocide of the palestinians and all, a small matter that might have slipped your mind , POSSIBLY??"
In my opinion they're both as guilty as each other in that conflict.
[...]lack of table manner[...]
What were you doing dining with the said nationality ?
This is a no-brainer. The least popular nationality in Dubai would have to be the Indians.. and subcons in general.
It's simple math -- they are the majority, hence the most noticed. You will hear complaints about them from every other person. The businessperson will say they ruined the market, the employee will say they made getting a decent salary impossible cause they'll work for nothing.. the driver will say they can't drive, etc, etc.
Of course all this is prejudice, which is just silly. However, it is what it is.
@Fellow Atheist: completely wrong: if the SubCons are in the majority (which they clearly are), then who ever they dislike would be the despised race. Except of course that there are several flavours of SubCon.
This is such a weird post - come on Nadia - you cannot start a dumb thing like this and then not tell us the answer!
Guys, why you are not reading the whole post?
You're almost right. Out of 3 million, 1 million are Indians. That places them in the majority. However, the 2 million share the same sentiments towards the one group that makes up one million.
In other words, despite them being the majority, the various minorities outnumber them...
And that makes it impossible to know who's wrong and who's right.
You're right though, this is a pointless discussion and a weird post. I just thought the math bit was fun ;)
out of 1 million (or so!)indians here in the union of arab emirates, how many are from the other indian states ,apart from kerala?
With all due respect to your opnion, that doesnt make israelis more popular in Dubai. As for your opnion I wonder how the victim can be equated with the agressor, time and time again.
"With all due respect to your opnion, that doesnt make israelis more popular in Dubai. As for your opnion I wonder how the victim can be equated with the agressor, time and time again."
Here, have a bottle of barbeque sauce.
"Here, have a bottle of barbeque sauce."
well done
Still waiting for a Eureka! moment of illumination. Is this post some kind of pictogram?
the wait is killing me : )
Nadia has no response, hmmmm maybe she moved to Mars or something?
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